30 Year Old Interview with Kristin from February 1990

30 Year Old Interview with Kristin from February 1990

Long before I became a designer, author, TV personality and yarn dyer in the craft industry, I was a professional model. I have often sited in modern interviews that I attribute my love of entrepreneurship and business to my early days as a model.

I have always been a serious, hard working and driven person, even from a very young age. But it isn’t often that you can back up your words with historical proof.

Here is an excerpt from an interview I gave to my local paper, the Lake Orion Review, on February 7, 1990 when I was 17 years old:

Lake Orion High School junior Kristin Omdahl may become the next Cheryl Tiegs. The five-foot eight-inch blonde has become a regional semifinalist in Teen Magazine’s Great Model Search – the same context that launched Tiegs’ career – and she has the chance to be on the cover of the magazine’s October issue.

As an aspiring model, Kristin thinks winning the contest would be great exposure, but says she entered it as ‘a hoax’.

On a whim the 17-year-old sent in her composite (a business card comprised of a variety of shots) instead of a number of different pictures requested by Teen but found success.

Out of a field of 24,000 girls nationwide, Kristin was one of the 480 to reach the regional semifinals.

She will find out in a couple of months whether she is one of the 12 finalists who will be flown to Los Angelis in June or July to shoot for the October issue.

Although she isn’t sure about heading out west, she will definitely be traveling to New York City for the summer months in her second year with the modeling agency Elite for testing and go-sees (meeting with potential clients).

Upon high school graduation in 1991, Kristin will head off to Europe to build her ‘book’ (there are many more jobs available in Europe) and launch her career in full force after a short time in New York.

Up to now she has been on the cover of the Detroit News Sunday Magazine, in promotional pamphlets for Kay Mitchell Productions (a talent agency) and has given a modeling seminar at their annual convention in 1989.

Someday she would like to move to New Your and perhaps appear on the cover of Elle, a high profile fashion magazine, but she is keeping her feet on the ground.

Kristin views modeling “like any other kind of business” and considers her experience at Elite and proficiency in math as crucial components to future success.

“Top models aren’t stupid at all,” Kristin says. “(They) can handle their business. If they were (dumb) they wouldn’t last.”

Her main concern is getting the background needed to make smart decisions and gain contacts for future reference.

Kristin enjoys meeting the different people involved – photographers, make up people – and mixing with celebrities is another bonus.

The only real drawback to modeling is not being able to get a suntan, but she doesn’t miss it anymore.

She may find more time to play the piano or shoot hoops, but she also puts in long hours waitressing at Elias Brothers to earn extra money for her summer trips.

Kristin feels doing the work is worth achieving her dreams.

“You have to invest if you want to get something back. I’m doing exactly what I want to be doing.”, Kristin says.

Unfortunately, my modeling career ended shortly after this article was published. I left high school, left home, and moved to live with a friend and her parents in Orlando, Florida for a more stable home environment in March 1990.

But, everything I said in the article still rings true – hard work, dedication and never giving up are the foundations of success to me. Just because my original goals didn’t pan out, I still never gave up on myself. Like everyone else, I have had hundreds of obstacles along the way. And, I have re-invented myself many times over.

Fast forward 30 years and I am still as determined as ever to be successful, appreciate the people around me, and find extra time to play my piano.

My favorite part of the article is remembering I began public speaking at 16 years old at a national modeling convention. This fuels and validates my dream of becoming a public speaker.

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I look forward to seeing what you create!

Kristin donates a portion of every sale to her charity Project Kristin Cares, which supports survivors of domestic violence. Learn more at KristinOmdahl.com/PKC 


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