FREE Knit and Crochet Patterns with Yarn Purchase

FREE Knit and Crochet Patterns with Yarn Purchase

Happy New Year! I am so excited to announce free knit and crochet patterns with yarn purchase! There are no coupon codes, no exceptions – for every $25 you spend in yarn, add a knit or crochet pattern to your cart and it will be reduced to FREE automatically!

But wait, there is more! This promotion applies to every $25 you spend:

Spend $25 you get 1 free pattern.

Spend $50 you get 2 free patterns.

Spend $75, you get 3 free patterns.

Spend $100, you get 4 free patterns!

Just add yarn and patterns to your shopping cart, and the promotion applies itself!

No limits! No expiration date! Free patterns with yarn purchase. All Day. Every Day.

And this promotion still works with free shipping options as well as yarn bulk discounts. Win-win-win!!

Shop Kristin Omdahl Yarns HERE

Shop Kristin Omdahl Crochet Patterns HERE

Shop Kristin Omdahl Knitting Patterns HERE

Happy Shopping and Happy New Year!

xoxo, Kristin

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