Handmade Gifts Mean More Than Ever in 2020

With everything as up in the air as it is right now in the world shopping is one of the last things on most people’s minds. Birthday and special occasion celebrations aren’t what they usually are due to the pandemic and social distancing rules.

While handmade gifts are always an amazing thing to receive, this year, they are even more special. Receiving a hand made gift means the giver not only thought about you, they thought enough of you and knows you well enough to personalize and create from scratch a beautiful item for you to use or wear in your daily life.

When it comes to the world of crochet and knitting these delightful hand crafted scarfs, blankets, shawls, shirts, dresses, earrings and so much more take time, effort, and thought. These are truly gifts from the heart. They have been completely 100% customized and no one else on earth has one identical.

Handmade gifts make the receiver feel special. They cannot be picked up and wrapped at the last moment – they take planning!

Who do you know right now in your life that has a birthday, graduation, anniversary, or other special event looming on the horizon? Is there something you, as a talented crafty individual could think of that you could make for them?

I have a vast library of fun, creative, interesting, and easy to navigate patterns right here on my site www.kristinomdahl.com. Take a look around and if you see something that strikes your fancy, click download! Choose your preferred yarn and get started on this gift today.

Giving from the heart is true energy exchange. There is no better feeling than appreciation and making someone feel loved.

Need a little more direction? – I am happy to help!

I host a livestream podcast Monday – Friday on my YouTube Channel called Create Share Inspire Podcast. You can join the audience LIVE and even ask me questions LIVE! I often do a show and tell or quick demo and I always interact with the live audience. It is a lot of fun! You can browse through over 600 previously recorded episodes HERE: Create Share Inspire Podcast Playlist . Make sure to subscribe to my YouTube Channel to get reminders when the next episode airs LIVE.

I also created a private Facebook group called Create Share Inspire to allow my audience to continue the podcast party throughout the rest of the day. It is a wonderful and safe place to share your photos of finished projects in my knitting or crochet patterns or yarns, and to see what others are making, too. I would like to invite you to join this private group Create. Share. Inspire on Facebook where you can interact with me as well as many other members who have a love of knitting and crochet just like you!

It’s Time to Get Inspired!

Shop Kristin Omdahl Yarns – beautiful vibrant high quality!

Shop Kristin Omdahl Yarns HERE

Shop Kristin Omdahl Crochet Patterns HERE

Shop Kristin Omdahl Knitting Patterns HERE

I would love to see your creations. Just as much fun as making these myself is the satisfaction I get from seeing my designs come to life and other crochet fans wearing them too. There are now 2 ways you can share what you have done!

  • Share yours by joining  Create. Share. Inspire on Facebook where you can interact with me as well as many other members who have a love of knitting and crochet just like you! It is a wonderful and safe place to share your photos of finished projects in my knitting or crochet patterns or yarns, and to see what others are making, too.
  • I have recently added a wonderful new interactive section to the website which I invite you to take part in, it has been a smashing success and such fun so far. It is the new “Share Your Project” section. You, my creators, can upload images and descriptions of your creations to share with the ever growing community! To upload simply click here. 

Additionally, I host a livestreaming podcast weekday on my YouTube Channel called Create Share Inspire Podcast. You can join the audience and even ask me questions LIVE! I often do a show and tell, or quick demo and I always interact with the live audience. It is a lot of fun!

You can browse through close to 1000 previously recorded episodes HERECreate Share Inspire Podcast Playlist . Make sure to subscribe to my YouTube Channel to get reminders when the next episode airs LIVE.

I look forward to seeing what you create!

Kristin donates a portion of every sale to her charity Project Kristin Cares, which supports survivors of domestic violence. Learn more at KristinOmdahl.com/PKC 


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