1000th Episode of the Kristin Omdahl Show

1000th Episode of the Kristin Omdahl Show

Edited to include the 30 winners were randomly chosen and replied to their comments with instructions to contact with mailing address to get their prizes shipped out ASAP! Thank you to everyone who entered!

It started December 14, 2017. I finally went live for the first time and made my first episode/podcast/livestream/vlog. You can watch episode 001 of the Kristin Omdahl Show (aka Yarn on the Beach) here:

I had dreamed of doing it for years, but always found an excuse of why I wasn’t ready, why it wouldn’t work, or why no one would be interested. Then one day I decided to feel the fear and do it anyway. Day after day, week after week, month after month, and year after year I have shown up, gone live, and shared something about my life, personally and/or professionally, with anyone who showed up to join me.

I have tried to be transparent with how being creative and crafty is threaded through the rest of my life. And through the journey with all of you, we have recognized over and over that we are more alike than we are different.

While I am extremely proud of the accomplishment of creating 1000 episodes of the Kristin Omdahl Show, I must acknowledge that it is only because of you! It is only because of your continued attendance, support, questions and conversations that the show is entertaining, educational and even exists!

Here are some of the fan favorite episodes over the years:

I have received so many amazing letters over the years from viewers who tell me how much the Kristin Omdahl Show has meant to them. Educational, inspirational and a warm sense of community are the most common themes among the amazing testimonials. About a month ago, I sent out an invitation to anyone who wished to share their story publicly on the show. Below are those stories. As promised, I will also be reading them live on the air on the 1,000th episode. You can watch that episode here:

There will be many prizes given away on the 1000th Episode including commemorative the Kristin Omdahl Show mugs, autographed tote bags, Commemorative Special Edition colors of Be So Luxe Yarn, and a coupon code for a free pattern of your choice so that EVERYONE is a winner!

Everyone can use coupon code KO1000 to receive one free PDF pattern of their choice.

Thank you all again for your kind words and thoughts and thank you to everyone who has shared them in emails and messages, on YouTube, Instagram, Facebook and elsewhere.  This show does not exist without all of you. I can’t wait to see where the next 1,000 episodes will take us!

xoxo, Kristin

What Viewers Had to Say about the Kristin Omdahl Show:

A.W. wrote: “I love Kristin show or her live video love the way she motivated,share her opinion on she had gone through and also share all her crochet and knitting pattern with us … She is such a wonderful person.”

A.P. wrote: “Dear Kristin , Thank you so much for helping us through the darkness of the pandemic and lockdown. Your cheery attitude , your beautiful designs , gorgeous yarn and helpful tutorials inspire me everyday. ❤️”

A. S. wrote: Thank you for showing us the power we have to defeat domestic violence with the knitting and crochet, really inner strength.”

A.N. wrote: “Dear Kristin, Thank you for making this show a permanent feature, it is very much appreciated. I’m on extended sick leave, recovering from PTSD and anxiety syndrome. I’m fortunate enough to receive excellent help, and I’m getting stronger and braver again, but it takes time and effort, and I’m often exhausted. Your show is like a good friend I can visit without pressure. I love that I can say Hello and participate if I want to, or just sit quietly and still feel like I’m not alone. I’m heartened and encouraged by the kindness I see, and that means a lot too. I need to be reminded that the world is more than the super scary place my brain tells me it is. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to say thank you and share my story anonymously!”

A.W. wrote “When I was 13 (1988) I spent my summer in Cape Coral, Florida. We often went to Fort Myers and Sanibel Island and it was the most beautiful scenery that I had ever seen to that point. It was also the first time that I had ever seen the Gulf of Mexico even though I had grown up about 50 miles north of New Orleans. I had a kitty that we lost just a few years ago that I had named Sanibel. That area left such an impression on me that watching your show on beach days just puts me in my happy place. Granted, crochet and all of the goodness that comes with it puts me into a different happy place but there is just nothing like the beach or water to completely set my mind and soul at ease. I now live in Texas, near Dallas, and it is difficult to get down to the Gulf and it is just not the same as it is down in Florida. I started watching your show around the 500th episode and have been “hooked” ever since. I will admit that I started watching for the beach but I continue to watch for the content. I very rarely catch an episode live, but I always watch the recorded version. I think it is wonderful that you share so much of your life experiences with us because either 1) We can relate to what you are saying and knowing someone else has gone through similar things can sometimes help us, or 2) we can learn from your experiences and hopefully never have to go through them ourselves. Like you often say, “We are more alike than we are different”. I love that you knit also and you make such beautiful items and teach so wonderfully that I have considered learning to knit as well. I can fumble through the knit stitch okay but only for something as simple as a dishcloth. I am confident that could learn from your wonderful way of teaching. Thank you for doing so much for all of us and Happy 1000th episode!!! Here’s to the next 1000 episodes! And now that I am on your website, I have some shopping to do! :)”

A.G. wrote: “I live in the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, which is an island in the Caribbean, our country is famous for our Carnival and our food in particular Doubles (2 dough call Bara and Channa (you guys know it as Chick Peas) it’s the best. Our country is built up of many different races and culture,we live together as best as we can. I taught myself to Cross Stitch, did that for many years, my mother try teaching me to Crochet,it didn’t work,I wasn’t getting anything through my thick skull, don’t want to learn anymore, My second daughter (I have 2 girls) was expecting my first grandchild about 4 years ago (it’s a girl). My first grandchild,I wanted to make lots of things for her, which I did, also got hooked on UTube , which introduce me to your podcast, that’s 4 years ago, my first first crochet hooks, was yours.I love, love, love your Podcast and what you stand for, thanks. My goal is to buy your Yarns and crochet things for my daughters and granddaughter so they would have things, made by me. Thanks again for all that you do,may God continue to bless you and your family. Thanks.”

B.K. wrote “Kristin, I have crocheted and knitted for over 50 years. I slowed down after kids came along, but you have gotten my interest back into yarn. Your inspiration has triggered a new love of yarn art and your projects are fabulous! Love to create them and love to give and wear them! Thank you for your creativity and for sharing. It has really enhanced my elder years!”

B.M. wrote “I am a 55 year old Air Force veteran, mother of 3 excellent human beings and former special education teacher. I am a survivor of childhood sexual abuse and violence and a survivor of a 24 year marriage to a sociopath. Sprinkle a little PTSD from the military and your show has become one of my favorite lifelines!!! I love you girl! <3 Thank you for being you and for all you do <3 :-)”

B.J. wrote “I am a Disability Support Worker from Australia. One of my clients is vision impaired, so if I had to describe the Kristin Omdahl Show to her then it would probably be like this … The presenter of the show is exceptionally talented and gifted in all areas of crafting, but especially in crochet and knitting. Not only is she very intelligent, witty, funny, inspiring, compassionate and caring, she actually designs her own fabulous patterns and owns her own brand of gorgeous yarns in a variety of sizes and a multitude of awesome colours as well as an array of other craft related items. Her patterns are always written in great detail, easy to understand and accompanied by charts. She also teaches how to read the charts in her step-by-step video tutorials. She has a fantastic website with great features and excellent offers. Kristin is a successful author of several popular books and a well-liked presenter on YouTube. Her channel is always fun, full of fresh ideas and she thankfully loves to share her wealth of knowledge, experience, tips and tricks on all sorts of topics (not just knitting and crochet!) like cooking, gardening, fashion, skincare, hairstyle, exercise, home decor, etc. with the rest of us. She works extremely hard at promoting her brand, but then gives back to the community through her Kristin Cares charity which she created to bring awareness to victims of domestic abuse and literally relates to on a personal level being a survivor herself. She has a bubbly, positive personality and energy that is infectious. I also enjoy seeing the close bond that she shares with her adult son when we get glimpses of them together on camera. The KO Show is one of my most favourite channels to watch on YouTube. I don’t get to join the live shows as the time difference between our countries doesn’t allow for this, but I always watch the recordings so that I never miss an episode. I commend Kristin for her vision, drive and excellence – well done – you’ve got this!”

B.S. wrote “Kristin is a fabulous teacher. I have learned to love crochet again. My grandmother taught me how to crochet when I was about ten. I picked it back up after I retired eight years ago. My favorite tip from Kristin is the foundation ovals. I look forward to her live videos, patterns and yarn. Not many yarn people have live videos where we can ask questions and interact. She has a tender heart.💜 Excited to see the yarn dying process coming soon! Thank you for sharing your gift.”

C.A. wrote “I have been enjoying your YouTube channel for the about 3 years. Since the pandemic, I’ve been teleworking and watching your lives almost every single morning as I work! Your presentations on the beach, along with your positive, honest and upbeat attitude and your willingness to freely impart your knowledge to your viewers is proof that you honestly believe in what you say at the end of each show. For you truly share and inspire each and every, day those things which you lovingly create. Blessings & Best Wishes”

A.N. wrote “I started watching down around episode 175 to 200. Don’t remember. My friends and family would call you my guru at that time because I would not miss a live show  no matter what!😀😀😂 I’ve learned I CAN miss live and Watch replay. But thank you so much for teaching us. I’ve learned to read patterns and charts from you. I too have been a victim since I was 5 years old severely abused. But I’m like a cat with 9 lives and have survived I still live with much abuse from family but at 60 I have more life behind me then in front of me. You’re so strong and admire the job of raising Marlon. I raised 2 always having my own business. I enjoy my freedom that I have now and still look forward to learning more from you. Thank you so much”

C.R. wrote “I discovered you before you started your own company and have followed you for many years because I absolutely LOVE your designs – they are so stylish and feminine. You are my all-time favorite designer. My favorite yarn is your first yarn – Be So Fine – although I love your other yarns as well. What I admire about you most is that you had to courage to leave an abusive relationship and now want to help others that are doing the same. Also, that you stay positive in a challenging world and try to lift others up as well. You also work so hard at being an entrepreneur. You are an example to us all!”

C.S. wrote “Hello and congratulations! I have been watching your live from the low 200s, mostly recorded since I am in San Diego. I have learned so much from you and enjoyed your yarns and patterns over the years. More than that, I feel a real fondness and affection for you. The biggest non-yarny impact you have had on my life is your wonderful example of body image positivity. I am 4 years older than you, and my struggle with middle age spread is real. Well, I also had breast cancer and a mastectomy. Anyway, my body has really changed and you have been very helpful in showing how to accept myself with love instead of shame or embarrassment. I admire how you never hesitate to state your stats when you are showing us a garment. I think it’s lovely that you feed yourself well and try to exercise as much as your schedule allows. You’re a very good example! I am happy to say I have started walking around my neighborhood and going to the gym again…and I take my my crochet with me. Really! I have a project bag that hangs from my forearm and I go for it if circumstances allow. I do get some looks at the gym but “Peoples’ opinions of me are none of my business.” Dear lady, I really enjoy your show. I could go on and on about your cooking, styling tips, fashion finds, and crafting expertise. And don’t get me started on your handsome boys, human and feline. Suffice it to say, I am looking forward to the next 1000! Much love.”

D.T. wrote “You have been my inspirational mentor for over 20 years! I have bought every book on crochet and knitting over the years too! my most memorable is – A Knitting Wrapsody- (love) made the cover design for my sister-in-law! She still wears and has it! I have too many designs I have made to list over the years! I always look forward to everyday to see what you’re doing- whether you’re on the beautiful beach or your beautiful studio! I also watched you on TV and many other fun videos too! The one that pops in my head that was so fun was with Mikey, when he commented – How beautiful you are- which is so right!!! My favorite too is the detail you write on each order with the heart – it means so much to me!!! Thank you for the details and the amazing love and kindness for each of us!!! Love and Blessings”

D.P wrote “Kristin, I really found YouTube with knitting and crocheting when the pandemic began. I found you through a search and I’ve watched you daily ever since (5 days live plus any extra videos). You lifted my spirits in your home, in your studio or at the beach. I depended on you cheerful attitude to help me get through some tough days. I loss a few friends and family members due to the virus, quarantined and couldn’t see my only grandchild (granddaughter) for almost 18 months. It may sound silly (to those not in our yarny community) but crocheting/knitting helped me survive spiritually. Your daily videos helped to teach me and encourage me to try new patterns. I’ve learned how to read charts. Step out and try new stitches and buy patterns to create. I’ve loved supporting you and your charities. You have been an inspiration to women that we need to get away from domestic violence and how you found a future for yourself and your son. It’s wonderful to hear your stories and how vulnerable and humbly you share about those hard times of the past. You weren’t sure where things were going to end up but you were and are continually working hard to make a better life for yourself and your son. Be proud of being the best mom you could be and showing your son to be a loving and kind man. Your talents as a designer and writer are wonderful. I’ve enjoyed watching your videos these last two years, buying patterns and yarn and books. I’ve shared books with others and your story and your creativity. Thanks for these past years and I look forward to many more videos in the future. Be proud and continue encouraging and inspiring people in all aspects of your life. Thank you Kristin 🥰🥰 Added information::: FYI…I didn’t feel this 1K was about you bragging honestly. Kristin I can’t remember what I wrote before but here’s some additional information. Your show was very helpful during a horrible time in the world. It gave me a place to come and feel like I was visiting with friends in the healthy and safety of my living room. You taught me a lot about knitting and crochet. But wait there’s more 🤪🤪🤪. You shared your life and how important it is to you to help others especially people that have or are going through domestic violence. Not everyone will be so transparent and if we want to make changes in the world we need to talk about uncomfortable situations. You do this well and also have a foundation to help people transitioning! I’ve become more involved with donating hats for the homeless (with my old church ⛪️ in CA) and need to do more! Keep being you and sharing your life and all your creative venues. It’s a blessing to more people than you’ll ever know. Thank you for being a yarny friend and in my life for two + years 🧡🧡.

D.D. wrote “To keep this short I would like to say watching The Kristin Omdahl Show (and that is what it has been all along) I have gone from making simple hats, scarves and the occasional shawl to making any project with no fear. I also wanted to thank you for being here for all of us who resonate with you personally. With love”

D.S. wrote “The Kristin Omdahl Show has been a bright spot in my day since I started watching it! You, Kristin, are so inspiring to me. I love your work ethic, I love how you love your family, and I love your cause Project Kristin Cares. You are a wonderful woman and I admire all that you do. I enjoy the show each day I get to watch live and also on days when I get to watch the taped show. I do learn so much from you and enjoy your perspective on how to make items, etc. All of the yarns I have purchased from you are of A+ quality. You are a class act and DO NOT stop doing what you are doing. Much love and support from me always”

D.C. wrote “Kristin, your show starts my day and truly sets my mood for the rest of the day. Perhaps it’s because you are usually by the beach surrounded by nature, and your pleasant voice and warm smile, which are so appealing to me. You are like a friend I’ve never met! I love that you include personal stories, just knowing we aren’t alone in our struggles, and in our happy days too. I recently had bowel surgery and spent 15 days in the hospital, so I missed all of the shows for that time. It was calming when I came home, to catch up on your videos. Your website is also so easy to maneuver, and I love that I can access all of my patterns in one spot. Thank you for providing so much crochet information. I’ve learned so much from you and can’t wait to make something. You are an inspiration! Thank you”

D.C. wrote “I love you Kristin as a good person you are. I not only learned how to crochet better and prettier throughout the years, but I learn how to handle life disappointments better. You taught me how to have high esteem with myself. Practice showing love for All People. God Bless you. You are my friend.”

D.W. wrote “I started watching the Kristin Omdahl show when I was sent home from work due to COVID in 2020. I’m an early riser and would crochet in the mornings and happened to find Kristin’s channel. I have been hooked ever since. I really enjoyed the pre-chat time she gives us to chat with other followers. We have the best conversations. It has been a joy to watch Kristin’s business grow with new patterns, new yarns and products and the new friends stopping by. I’ve learned so much from watching Kristin, I enjoy her teaching style and my crocheting has improved. Here’s to the next 1000 episodes!! Congratulations Kristin on your 1000th episode.”

H.H. wrote “Hello Kristin, greetings from Central California. I started watching the create, share, and inspire podcast back in the early two hundred episodes by scrolling around looking for shawl patterns. Your smile, openness, and enthusiasm were the first thing I noticed then the sounds of the waves hitting the beach kept me watching, then I saw that you brought yarn on the beach, and I was won over by all your new content. Raising kids, going back to school online, and traveling to take care of my mom was a stressful time but I could always count on tuning into your channel every day at the same time to get your optimism and encouragement from the create, share, and inspire podcast and notebooks, as they encouraged me to never give up and start my long day. Thank you for being courageous, authentic, and kind to all your subscribers. You are the uplifting smile that hits people’s hearts every morning! It is my opinion that if you could bottle this gift and send it out into the world, it would solve so many problems. Secondly, I have developed and grown in my knit and crochet ability by leaps and bounds because of your tutorials and podcast. My favorite shows include the episode where you crochet a design from start to finish called the friendship shawl with all of us watching and my favorite interview was with Vanna White. I enjoy seeing your cats, Bjorn and Becker do their camara hugs and kneading on your robe while on live chat. In addition, your unique food recipes, healthcare products, and piano name a tune adds happiness throughout my day. You deserve so much goodness in life for all you do for others, thank you so much for sharing your life with us and changing my outlook on life. You’re a national treasure, a unique masterpiece, and a true blessing to everyone! Here’s to another 5000 episodes!”

A.N. I first learned about Kristin with the Pearl Cardigan Cal and was “hooked”. I started to follow her in different media, and she has managed to inspire me throughout the years. She inspired me not only to create, but also in other areas of life. I love that the Kristin Omdahl Show has so many different aspects besides the yarn: makeup, exercise, baking, cooking, and pretty much anything that comes to Kristin’s mind – and most of it I can relate to. I also love that Kristin is sharing so much of herself. We got to watch the Sharkhunter grow into a lovely young man. And we get to watch Kristin, her business, and her show growing and glowing. Though I am not always able to watch the live show, I try really hard to do so. It actually got me out of bed on many mornings when I was going to hit the snooze button 87 more times! The live show is like coming home every morning – it offers a feeling of comfort seeing many of the same people and having that daily routine. I love the personal greeting and the interactions. Oh yeah, one more thing: Kristin has shared so many, many patterns with us. The patterns are well written, and the projects are a joy to make. Kristin, you are truly an inspiration. Thank you. And congratulations on the big 1000!

G.L. wrote “What I learned from you, Kristin is : knitting and crochet techniques, thousands of advice by sharing all what you know, Cooking advises, Miracles of Nature and much more.”

G.S. wrote “Hello Kristin, and all who have joined the 1000th episode. My journey with The Kristin Omdahl Show is more than a show. It is a lifelong learning experience. I am not exactly certain when I started watching the show, but I do remember that when I quit smoking 8 years ago, I needed to do something with my hands. I learned to crochet from numerous crochet videos hopping from one to another and I came across Kristin. The Sunny Isles shawl, and I had to make it, at that time I was making washcloths, I knew nothing. So, I placed my first order of yarn and fell in love with Be so Fine. However, even with the slowed down video, I tried and tried to do it. I knew single and double crochet only at the time. Rewind, pause, try, rewind, pause, oh but I was determined to learn and complete! And I did it. I have been making your patterns and only using your yarn ever since. I learned so much from your podcast, tutorials, books, and the list goes on. Every time you come out with a new pattern, it’s exciting and I can’t wait to dive in. The wonderful thing about that is I know that I can complete anything because your patterns have everything you need to complete, and my favorite are the charts. I have been knitting since last June and I can read those now too. Your talent is endless. I started watching the podcast, also not sure of exact date, and was hooked (pun intended). You have a contagious laugh (I truly pray that a snake never comes out at the beach), and a gift for teaching and explaining, I may even start enjoying math a bit more. I would also like to share that when you are doing your podcast, of course no one knows what may be going on in someone’s life while they are watching it, and I would personally like to thank you for getting my mind off of the sad parts of life. The “24 Crochet Hats”  book kept me busy when my father was going through radiation last year and I made so many hats for him and the chemo/radiation office, their bin was never empty like it was when I first went in. I did not want this to get sad, so I need to switch gears. You and your podcast has helped me do my craft better and better with each project, you are inspiring, and someone to respect and listen to. If my mind was half as creative as yours it would explode. I thank you for everything that you do, day in and day out for all of us out here. And I respect you as an artist, mother, creator, survivor, and businesswoman. You are truly amazing. A Friend and Fan

G.C. wrote “I was taught to crochet by my mom when I was 3 1/2 years old. I can’t remember not crocheting!!! It is my go-to when I feel down. I also taught myself to knit at 8 years old. I am 82 years old now and still feel creative now and again. I very rarely follow a pattern completely. I veer off and do my own thing now and again. I have 17 grandchildren and several more great grandchildren and have made each one something either knitted or crocheted. Kristen, you are doing what I wish I could have done years ago, blogging!!!”

H.G. wrote “First… congratulations on your upcoming 1000 episode. It has been my pleasure to be a follower of yours. I look forward to your episodes and seeing what you have in store for us crafters and beach goers. Your many viewers and I have been inspired by you. During this last year when our lives were turned upside down and inside out, your show has been my salvation through it. Your show is to a little piece of Eden for me. I join others with the same mindset. There are so many things to do here. Heck there is even Yoga🧘🏼. Kristin CONGRATULATIONS on the 1000th episode❤️ CONGRATULATIONS TO THE CREW BEHIND THE SCENES AS WELL❤️👏👍”

I.R. wrote “Kristin, I am a super survivor. Rather I have been called a super survivor. My childhood was violent both physically and sexually. My stepfather told me once it was ok to have sex with me because I was not his daughter. Education saved my life. Alanon and ACA also saved my life. 

A.N. wrote Hi Kristin, I have known about you since pre YT days because of the world of fiber art. And then one day I discovered you on YT. You are a generous and kind person. Your sharing and positive attitude has strongly drawn me to you. Plus we are both Michiganders. I am proud of the strength you show and the heartfelt stories you share. Your success proves to women worldwide what a true feminist should be. Always kind, never mean. You are a person we need to model ourselves after. Thank You Kristin for all you do, Love

A.N. wrote “I hesitated to share this, because it seems so fundamental. Although I love your patterns, tutorials, yarn, recipes and everything you produce, it’s your attitude and friendly nature that has impacted me the most. I love how you see beauty and joy in everything. It is contagious! The world needs more Kristins. You should absolutely be proud of yourself! I can’t imagine doing 1000 live episodes and responding to people in REAL time. That would scare the heck out of me!”

J.B. wrote “I started crocheting again after many years, and a friend i introduced me to Kristin Omdahl yarns via Instagram. On most mornings at 8 am I am watching The Kristin Omdahl Show. It is a joy to start the day with fellow makers and the very creative Kristin.”

J.D. wrote “I don’t know how I came across your YouTube channel but I am so glad I did. I have been fine for probably six or seven years maybe even more. I haven’t even met you on occasions for coffee when I have been in Florida. You are just so sweet and kind in person as you are on your videos. I have shared your patterns many times and I have made them countless times! Yours is the only yarn I buy now. I am thrilled to see how your business is grown and that you have a staff that helps you out now. I pray for God to continue to keep you safe and well and bless your hard work.”

Jo Atwood wrote “I first saw Kristin on an early episode of Yarn on the Beach. I’d found a pattern for a Tunisian scarf using Be So Wild (I think) via a Google search and made it and loved it so much I started watching for more of her products/work and found the podcast. I was so excited – I love the beach and I love crochet and Kristin’s upbeat and fun personality was and still is – amazing. Having crocheted since my grandmother taught me at age six, I’ve always wanted to learn to knit but each time I tried it was a disaster and I’d end up frustrated and unhappy. Then I watched Kristin knit and started watching the tutorials on casting on, the knit stitch and the pearl and I discovered I could actually do it! Every knit question I would ask, Kristin would answer in such an encouraging way. It meant the world to me. I’d ask if I could knit that as a beginner and Kristin would say absolutely I could! It wasn’t long before I was lucky enough to become a moderator for the podcast and all of a sudden, I had new friends who have become good friends over the last few years. I love going back and re-watching the podcasts from the beginning, just for the enjoyment of them. It has been such fun watching the show evolve, seeing the cooking live shows, the zen videos, the sunset editions and soaking up the tutorials on patterns and stitches! Can’t wait to see what happens next on the KO Show!”

J.G. wrote “although i have not been following you Kristin for very long, you have given me a lot of tools to take my knitting to another level. not only with knitting, but crochet also. learning about different things as well like color groups, mixing and matching the colors and how to wear different garments. i enjoy the time spent on the beach which is a very comfortable setting and relaxing. i hope to be able to continue to follow you and keep on learning. also the tips and tricks on skin care is priceless. Congratulations on your 1,000 episode and may you have many, many more.”

Judi Weingarden wrote “I didn’t know that my life would change on Friday October 21, 2011 – but it did. That’s the day I took my first class with Kristin Omdahl – she was teaching from her new book, Seamless Crochet. I didn’t know when I registered for the class that Kristin would become not only my favorite teacher, but also one of my closest friends. The view in the corner classroom that Friday morning was sunny and bright, but Kristin was brightest of all. As is usual, the class hung on her every word, enthralled by what she was saying. I have heard Kristin teach many, many, times since then, and I am always in awe of how fast her mind works, and at how much she is willing to share. Kristin, it has been truly an honor to play a small part in your amazing journey to today’s spectacular 1000th episode. The effort and energy required for such an undertaking is mind-boggling! I sit at home at my desk, while you trek out in all sorts of weather, to keep us entertained and educated. Whether you are overheated, wearing a parka, getting rained on, or want to cry, you put on your smile and bring joy, beauty, grace, love and learning to our homes. 100,000 cheers for you my friend! I am blessed to be a part of the KO Community.”

J.G. wrote “Hello dear Kristin. I love you and everything you do and your crochet designs. I am starting one of your beautiful designs called the Someone Poncho and matching hoodie. Just a little about me, I am a round the clock crocheter almost. I am a widow with 3 grown boys. I belong to the Secular Franciscan Order. My. Grandma taught me to crochet when I was young about 10 or so. Anyway I so love to watch your shows and learn from you. I would love it if you would design a crochet Princes style dress for plus sizes up to 4x size. I do need one. It is something you could think about. Please continue to make figure flattering designs for plus sizes. Love everything about you so thank you for being you. God bless you and your family. “

J.G. wrote “Hi Kristin. I’ve been watching since YARN ON THE BEACH but not day one. Although once I started I was hooked (haha hooked, get it) I always admired your honesty, I felt like I knew the real you. I am somewhat shy and your podcast is the only one I chatted on. I feel connected to you and the other ladies on your channel and the old Facebook site. I haven’t quite figured out the forum yet. I turned my daughter onto you and my 7 year old granddaughter knows you too. I laugh when you scream if a thread touches your foot. I do the same thing ALL the time. I remember asking the ladies in the pre-chat if they thought I was too old to wear a shrug (I’m 69) and they were encouraging and made me feel good. I feel like I belong. I’m glad we’re taking this journey together ❤”

J.B. wrote “Dear Kristin, I am watching your podcast since the beginning, you are actually what the doctor ordered. What I mean by that is my sister was very sick (cancer) and she was on my mine every hours, every minutes, every seconds of every day. So you see someone can go nuts with only one thing on there mind. So the doctor told me to find a hobby something to take my mine away for a few minutes, and I saw you on the beach talking about crochet, knitting, food, exercise, family… life, I got hook! The scenery and you beautiful you! Never looked back you are my inspiration, you give me strength when I run out because with you I know that I am not alone dealing with stuff… My sister hang on to life has long has she could but the battle was extreme, sadly she passed away. I still think about her because she will always be my big sister. But now you Kristin, your podcast and crochet helps me to keep focus and enjoy life! Even if I don’t have the time to do all the crochet projects, I would like to do I know maybe one day I will! Thank you for your generosity, your stories, your crochet knowledge and all that you share. Can’t tell you enough I much I enjoy and love it! “

K.Z. wrote “My story….well I remember buying a kit from you on eBay years ago, before e your show and getting really flustered because I thought there were not enough ribbons to attach to the edge of the shawl. Never occurred to me that they needed to be spaced out. However, when I did reach out to you about this, in the days of flip phones how quickly you responded to me, but I didn’t know how to send a picture of my work. Fast forward to January 2018 spending many a lonely morning in a motel room in Lafayette Indiana while my dog was being treated at Purdue university. Your brightness and warmth along with the beach gave me some time to distract my mind while waiting for morning dr. call. So often when I watch in the morning, I’d love to pack up the car and travel down there to sit and visit with you, discussing fiber, stitches, how you’ve developed your skills and enjoy the beauty of nature all around us. From the little you’ve shared, it sounds as though you’ve earned a master’s degree from the school of hard knocks that would have defeated so many others. Yet you continually pull yourself up by the bootstraps, dust yourself off and start again. Such an admirable quality. Thank you for your warmth, sharing, knowledge and love of life, nature, and family. Wishing you all the best on episode 1000. Many more and keep smiling. Storms are a part of life, but the sun is still there, just behind the clouds. “

K.M. wrote “One day in June of 2019, I was searching YouTube on how to wind a center pull ball of yarn by hand. I came across what I was looking for, it was episode 426. I enjoyed watching the episode and I loved that it was at the beach and being an Oklahoma girl, I don’t see the ocean very often. The episode was enough to grab my attention and I decided to start watching your channel. I had only been crocheting for about 7 months at this point and was trying to learn as much as I could about crochet. At this point I only knew how to crochet simple scarves and blankets. I wanted to do more, so I started searching your tutorials and came across the Key West Shawl. The tutorial was great and easy to follow. I, then discovered the Create, Share, Inspire Facebook page. I joined and shared a picture of the shawl that I had made, that’s when I found out that you also sold yarn. And, I’m glad I did because I love using your yarn. You have inspired me in so many ways. Every day I push myself to try new things. I have learned to read charts and even make garments. The first garment I made was the Summer Love Vest. I never dreamed that I would have come this far by watching your show and your tutorials. But, I have learned so much from you in these past few years and I still learn new things every day when I watch. I love the excitement and passion you have in making things, whether it is with yarn or food. It brings out the passion in me to be more creative. I enjoy getting up every morning to have my coffee and watch your show. I love chatting with everyone and seeing what surprises you will have in store for us that day. Your show and the connection to all the wonderful people in this community have especially helped me through this past year. It has been a very tough one. My mother passed away in February from cancer, my son left for Air Force basic training in March, and last month he got his orders to be stationed in Germany for 3 years. I’ve only seen him twice since he left in March. Then in April, I had a surgery that took me several months to recover from. I had a lot of emotional stress going on during that time. But, watching your show every day was a way to have a nice little get away in morning and helped me get motivated to start the day. It gave me a sense of peace and somehow you would always say something that I needed to hear. Watching your show and keeping myself busy with crochet, I believe was helping me heal emotionally. I am just really thankful that you have chosen to share your talent and everyday life with us. It truly means a lot to me. I have come so far with my crocheting and personal growth because of your willingness to share. I am so glad I found your channel 2 1/2 years ago. Thank you for everything.”

A.N. wrote “Hi Kristin, and congratulations on reaching episode # 1,000 today!!!!!!! While I only recently found your channel earlier this year, I did not want to let this huge milestone go by without being a part of it. Reaching a goal of 1,000 consecutive, daily and live episodes is just amazing. I believe that you do give 110% effort to all your work and that you definitely provide very high value for the patterns, live episodes, books, written charts, and tutorial videos that you make available. The past 2 years have been especially challenging for everyone on the planet (!), and I want to let you know that your beach walks, and then the teaching or discussion episodes with the beach in the background, are what caught my attention originally. I could not believe someone would take their time to share and just walk up the beach and back, letting viewers listen to the water and take in all the soothing views. Or, bring us a beautiful Florida beach sunset and share the moment. I share those with everyone I know. Then, I saw that you also were willing to freely share yourself and make it so easy for viewers to connect with you. I feel that you share more information and also more of yourself and of your experience, than most designers do. You have given enough of your crafting how-to skills and design process, as well as enough of your personal life that we each can quickly feel that we have a “good friend, who lives at a beautiful beach” and teaches us crochet and knitting, very thoughtfully. This has all helped me find some calm and sanity through these weird times we live in. And I know that I am not alone with these sentiments. I would encourage anyone new to crochet or knitting to get familiar with your designs and yarns and your YouTube channel. Because you explain the designs, post video tutorials, provide written line by line instructions as well as explain and provide charts, it is easy to learn a new craft solely because of your efforts. You take time to present each of your yarns and spend enough time highlighting yarn colors and combinations that it becomes easy to make decisions even without ever first seeing the yarn in person. You have said that you did not want to have people talk just “about you”, but your work and accomplishments are definitely deserving of appreciation. I have not been a part of the live videos very long, but the friendly community you have gathered together is a tribute to your efforts, too. That never just happens. I lost my father just as the “pandemic” was starting. It was just his time-no correlation. We lived in D.C. for 12 years and had just moved back “home” to Atlanta. Family dynamics (siblings) change when a family loses a loved one. All of that did happen, and missing Dad has been weighing very heavily over these past two years for me personally. So I could never thank you enough for being such a sharing and positive person while offering real value in your yarns and designs. Knitting and crochet are very therapeutic, I find. I have been more of a process knitter, although I do finish projects. But with crochet, I think it will be easier for me to have finished items that I can be proud to use or gift to others. I consider these new skills to be a gift from you 🙂 I wish you continuing success in your work and I look forward to supporting you and seeing all your new books, patterns and upcoming plans. I am so thankful, most of all, that you have completely made lemonade out of some sour lemons that made their way into your life. Your son seems so well loved and well cared for and you have a family to be very proud of. I am happy to know that you donate a portion of each sale to help survivors of domestic violence, and have kept the most positive and caring nature through challenges you have faced. That is a huge accomplishment and so many people are blessed, and proud of you and are truly better because of your efforts and because of the choices you have made. Thank you! I love that you have accomplished this very big goal you set for yourself more than three years ago. Please keep the episodes, and your wonderful work, going ❤️ and know that there is a very large circle of friends that care about you. xxoo, K”

K.R. wrote “Hello Everyone, I found Kristin’s Podcast around #60. I immediately shared it with my sister. She is more into knitting and I crochet more. I’ve enjoyed Kristin’s show for many reasons. I’m very impressed with her as a Person. Kristin is : Very Positive, Optimistic, Kind, Not Judgmental, Doesn’t Hold A Grudge, Very Generous (she shares her designs with everyone) And HELLO! A very talented as a designer. I appreciate that she wants to help in anyway the many people caught in the Domestic Violence Web. She has valuable insights, because she has dealt with and is dealing with some negative issues currently. I hope Kristin continues to have her Show so she’s able to inspire others, and from what I’ve seen already, Kristin has a Warehouse Full of Ideas & Designs in her brain. Really, the best is yet to come. Thank You Kristin PS: We Can’t Do Without Judi Either!!”

A.N. wrote “In January 2020 I decided to quit my job. This was before the pandemic hit the Us and I found your channel. I think I really enjoyed experiencing winter and snow here but seeing the beautiful peaceful warm beach as your backdrop. It is always very soothing to hear the waves and watch them while you talk about crochet or knit. You are so creative it just inspires me to try something new. I also enjoy how you made a shawl (poncho and top) but demonstrate so many ways it can be worn. I just love watching your show. I did go back to work part time and do not have time to watch the live show but in the evenings I can be found watching your soothing creative inspiring show. I feel like we are friends video chatting. Thank you so much for all you do! Let’s do another 1000!”

K.D. wrote “The Kristin Omdahl Show gave me a reason to get up in the morning during COVID. And now I look forward to watching every weekday. The host goes out of her way to please everyone with a variety of activities. From watching the Florida sunset, current yarn projects, cooking, walking in local parks, exercise, hair treatment, makeup to what she’s wearing. Her new 2021 website has been built with the customer in mind with easy searching and navigation. You can purchase yarn, patterns, books, kits and accessories. And so much more. Anyone who has a negative comment about Kristin Omdahl does NOT know Kristin Omdahl. She is a caring individual with a big heart. Who is always willing to share her knowledge and expertise with the world. This world needs more people like her. P.S. She even shares her cats.”

K. M. wrote “In May of 2019, I was diagnosed with stage 3 head and neck cancer. Over the course of the next year, I underwent major life-altering surgery, followed by a lengthy recovery, followed by 6 weeks of grueling daily radiation treatments, followed by an even lengthier recovery, and three more surgeries. It was a terrifying time, and throughout it all I was very weak and frail and frightened. I couldn’t do much of anything. But I could sit in a chair, and I could crochet. As I crocheted, I’d watch videos about the fiber arts to distract me from my fear. It was then that I found you, dear Kristin. You were a beautiful warm bright welcoming light when so much else in my world was dark and grim. Your podcast became the highlight of my day. And when I wasn’t watching your live show, I was binging my way through your archives. I don’t think I could ever fully explain how much your daily presence in my life meant to me. Your vibrant spirit and generous soul helped to carry me through the most uncertain time of my life. I don’t comment often, but I’m always watching. I’m always looking forward to seeing you every day. I’m so grateful that I found you. (And I’m so grateful to be alive — now 2 years & 5 months cancer-free.) Congratulations on your 1,000th show! I’ll be right here watching the next thousand — and beyond. Thank you, Kristin. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for everything. With love”

K.U. wrote “Dear Kristin, I have been watching you since your early days on tv. Then your blog. Then during your first year on You Tube “Yarn on the Beach”. Over the years I’ve learned of your life’s journey and you have inspired me. When my husband was very sick in hospital, he saw a cowl that I was working on and asked if he could have it when I was done. I gave it to him, and he wore it until shortly before he died. He took it off and told me to seal it in a plastic bag. I did of course and he died about a week later. That was in 2018. I can still smell him when I open the bag. I wanted you to know because of all the cowls I’ve crocheted he picked yours.😘”

K.A. wrote “I first came across your channel looking for a simple but dream catcher make for myself, I was very new to crocheting and was impressed with the way you demonstrated these pattern .and instinctively pressed subscribed as your strength from passed experiences have not brought you to your knees but given you strength to succeed and become a positive role model for women who our struggling to get their lives on track shown passion and hard work pays off .I was brought up in a very male nominated house where women weren’t meant to succeed in careers.I was even told I was too cack handed to learn to knit or crochet ,so at the age of 50 with the support of my stepdaughter who had previously been in a refuge for domestic violence victims taught me to have confidence and give crocheting a try ,and I’ve never looked back .crocheting has been a gateway to a healthy mental state especially during covid and with the support of like-minded yarnie people I’ve been able to succeed in a craft that I always believed was unattainable, I’ve just discovered my ancestors were Irish lace crocheter s and I’ve just made my first Irish lace shamrock motif in their honor. My Kristin Omdahl dream catcher is still proudly displayed and has helped my dreams come true 🥰”

A.N. wrote “Hi Kristin, and congratulations on reaching episode # 1,000 today!!!!!!! While I only recently found your channel earlier this year, I did not want to let this huge milestone go by without being a part of it. Reaching a goal of 1,000 consecutive, daily and live episodes is just amazing. I believe that you do give 110% effort to all your work and that you definitely provide very high value for the patterns, live episodes, books, written charts, and tutorial videos that you make available. The past 2 years have been especially challenging for everyone on the planet (!), and I want to let you know that your beach walks, and then the teaching or discussion episodes with the beach in the background, are what caught my attention originally. I could not believe someone would take their time to share and just walk up the beach and back, letting viewers listen to the water and take in all the soothing views. Or, bring us a beautiful Florida beach sunset and share the moment. I share those with everyone I know. Then, I saw that you also were willing to freely share yourself, and make it so easy for viewers to connect with you. I feel that you share more information and also more of yourself and of your experience, than most designers do. You have given enough of your crafting how-to skills and design process, as well as enough of your personal life that we each can quickly feel that we have a “good friend, who lives at a beautiful beach” and teaches us crochet and knitting, very thoughtfully. This has all helped me find some calm and sanity through these weird times we live in. And I know that I am not alone with these sentiments. I would encourage anyone new to crochet or knitting to get familiar with your designs and yarns and your YouTube channel. Because you explain the designs, post video tutorials, provide written line by line instructions as well as explain and provide charts, it is easy to learn a new craft solely because of your efforts. You take time to present each of your yarns, and spend enough time highlighting yarn colors and combinations that it becomes easy to make decisions even without ever first seeing the yarn in person. You have said that you did not want to have people talk just “about you”, but your work and accomplishments are definitely deserving of appreciation. I have not been a part of the live videos very long, but the friendly community you have gathered together is a tribute to your efforts, too. That never just happens. I lost my father just as the “pandemic” was starting. It was just his time-no correlation. We lived in D.C. for 12 years, and had just moved back “home” to Atlanta. Family dynamics (siblings) change when a family loses a loved one. All of that did happen, and missing Dad has been weighing very heavily over these past two years for me personally. So I could never thank you enough for being such a sharing and positive person while offering real value in your yarns and designs. Knitting and crochet are very therapeutic, I find. I have been more of a process knitter, although I do finish projects. But with crochet, I think it will be easier for me to have finished items that I can be proud to use or gift to others. I consider these new skills to be a gift from you 🙂 I wish you continuing success in your work and I look forward to supporting you and seeing all your new books, patterns and upcoming plans. I am so thankful, most of all, that you have completely made lemonade out of some sour lemons that made their way into your life. Your son seems so well loved and well cared for and you have a family to be very proud of. I am happy to know that you donate a potion of each sale to help survivors of domestic violence, and have kept the most positive and caring nature through challenges you have faced. That is a huge accomplishment and so many people are blessed, and proud of you and are truly better because of your efforts and because of the choices you have made. Thank you! I love that you have accomplished this very big goal you set for yourself more than three years ago. Please keep the episodes, and your wonderful work, going ❤️ and know that there is a very large circle of friends that care about you. xxoo, K”

L.A. wrote “Well, I’m French and I met your channel on YouTube around your 220 episodes. I’ve made several patterns from your videos! I really love the videos on the beach! In fact, I’m fan of you. Congrats for the 1000th ❤️❤️❤️”

L.A. wrote “I found Yarn On The Beach shortly after you began your first episode. I had acquired a supply of yarn and was looking at how to relearn how to crochet to use my yarn. You were so engaging, encouraging and welcoming from Day 1. I was hooked. I have learned so much from you, Kristin. To name a few things…there is no wrong way to be creative, I am enough, and so much about all things crochet…yarn, gauge, reading charts etc. In addition, your show has meant a lot to me on a more personal level. My husband had to have a cancerous pancreatic tumor removed along with four other organs. We went through the chemotherapy and radiation treatments and now all the follow up testing since then. By the grace of God my husband is still alive. All through this, your show was there to provide a warm distraction and comfort during these stressful years with you sharing your life events both happy and sad along with the friendly chatting with everyone else. It has been fun to watch you and your show grow and change. Thank you and I pray you have many more years of success, happiness and joy.”

L.J. wrote “I have a business that is similar to yours yet very different. I don’t see you as a competitor – there is room at the top for all of us. I knit a lot and crochet very little. I dye mostly wool, alpaca, cashmere and silk. This is partly because I live in a much colder climate than yours and partly because I started with protein fibres and that is where I have developed my expertise. I teach classes and workshops but mostly in person and nothing on Youtube yet. Like you I work long hours every day of the week and do a lot of different textile related things to make a living. I started my business when I was a teenager and used the income to pay for my degrees in math and computer science. I had a successful career as an actuary and then an IT project manager, but I became very unhappy working long hours in an office and quit my job to be creative and happy. This turned out to be a great decision because I was available to move closer to my mother and brother and when they developed health problems. I can be there when they need me while still running my knitting business. When I was first getting used to working long hours alone rather than in a busy office, I stumbled upon an episode of “Yarn on the Beach” and loved it. I went back and listened to every episode and now tuning in to the Kristin Omdahl Show is a regular part of my workday. It is inspiring to listen to you, knowing that we have similar struggles and successes in our businesses.”

Lisa Gattis wrote “Kristin I first saw your pic cast known then as yarn on the beach! I fell in love with the beautiful title and after watching you on the podcast I felt like I had known you for years! Your passion and my love of Crochet turn me into being even better at my craft! I have learned many valuable lessons from you as I learn to creating my own things from the Best Crochet Designer in my opinion around! I own a lot of your books as well and your Yarn 🧶 is to Die for the colors are so Beautiful I loved making things with your yarn I have made to many things and continue to do some, I love you because of who you are! My Teacher and my Friend Thank you for all you do for not only me but for all of us! Much love 💕”

L.H. wrote “In February of 2019 my beautiful 38 years old left our home where she was living with her daughter and us and went to Va. After a month there we lost contact with her. After many months without hearing from her (yes the police was involved and The National Center for Missing and endanger, Inc) she was found in October decease. I was devastated and sad beyond words exist to describe the pain, depression and sadness I was feeling. I just couldn’t focus on anything and totally lost my mojo for crochet or any other craft. I would sleep much as possible. I was using Pinterest and your work would pop…. Beautiful. The reminders of your presentation would show up in my phone and I decided to go see whT you were up to. I was following you for years but stopped going to see your presentations. This time when I saw the pop up ; I touched, and it took me to your You Tube channel. Well, that did it for me. U made my goal to wake up have my coffee and then watch your You Tube channel and watch your presentation. That was my goal to wake up and see your presentation. It gave me color, smiles, pretty things that you made (even though I still not crocheting) and took me out of “the rabbit hole”. I had a purpose to start my day . To fill my eyes and soul with beauty. After your show I would go on taking care of granddaughter and life in general. Your time in my house made me feel alive, happy and creative again. Your energy comes through and is big bright positive light. Thank you for being such a positive and bright influence in my life. Walk softly and in peace”

L.T. wrote “My Grandmother taught me (at the age of 8) to crochet with fine thread (#30 & #40). She was super strict and until I could EVENLY chain a length that wrapped the outside of her house, I was not taught anything else! It took a bit and my yarn got pretty shaggy but I learned. Then she taught me how to read patterns…. lucky me! I picked it back up in my 70’s and the first shawl I crocheted was Kristin’s … I think the name is Sanibel(?) I enjoy your time and am amazed at your energy and positivity! Thank you, Kristin! You’re a real treat!!!”

L.H. wrote “First off, let me commend you for showing up each and every weekday to share with your followers: your knowledge, creativity, and empowerment! Sometimes we as viewers may forget “how human” a public figure really is! In other words, no matter your circumstances, daily life struggles and/or successes, you always show up and go with the flow! My husband is self-employed and I know firsthand that it is a 24/7 commitment! So, I admire and deeply appreciate the hard work you put into your show and your business as a whole and respect all of the “blood, sweat, and tears” of the behind-the-scenes work! I love the fact that you exclusively sell your yarn, package your own orders, ship promptly, and personally sign each packing slip! Thank you so much for sharing your creativity, inspirations, tips and tricks, and your time with us! You are truly an inspiration!”

L.M. wrote “It’s so refreshing that you, let yourself, be you. Your generosity of teaching & sharing your art, not only inspires us all, it gives us the ability to do the same. Thank you for your giving heart ❤”

L.M. wrote “There is so much I appreciate about you and your channel. I too am a victim of domestic violence and appreciate how you share your story. It helps to know there are others who have experienced similar abuses and have done so much for yourself and others. That we don’t need to be ashamed of our abuse. I love that you go through the effort to travel to the beautiful beaches around you. It’s not easy to load up and travel to the beach when you could do it all from your studio. Your patterns and videos inspire me to step out of my comfort zone with my craft. Your yarns are beautiful and customer support outstanding. My crochet and knitting have improved since finding your channel. I look forward to your podcast every day and your tutorials. Also your healthy recipes. Can’t forget those.”

L.H. wrote “Hi Kristin, I have been crocheting for almost 10 years now. I am self-taught. So one day, I was looking at Youtube . I came across your videos. I could look up anything. That helped me a lot. I have been told many times by others, that I like a challenge. If it looks difficult, I want to try it because I am learning something new. Your patterns in crochet & knitting are to die for. I picked out one crochet pattern called “Annabel Shawl ” in a sport yarn, from a book “Simply Crochet.” I bought your yarn for this shawl. I learn all about colors and how they can be put together. You make it fun, Wow! I am a fan. “

L.A. wrote “Kristin, I am so happy for you on this huge milestone! I cannot express how your positive and down to earth attitude has made such an impact on me personally. When I came across your channel, my health had declined (have severe leg issues with blood flow) it was a joy to see you at the beach and doing this daily show. I knew I was very green on crocheting but I had crocheted many years ago and found it again! I enjoy listening to your thoughts, your ideas and of course your designs. I have learned so much too! You should be very proud of yourself for digging your heels in and getting past all the trouble times as well. I was a victim of domestic abuse as well. It is so heartwarming to know that you not only understand but want to do something about it. Thank you Kristin! And here’s to 1000 more shows!! Lucy in Louisville, KY Regarding your question today live for what your podcast had done for me I would say you have shown me to look for the positive in everything always. I’ve always tried too, however it is awesome to see your positivity daily with all the stress of daily life challenges we all have. Thank you and congratulations on such a huge milestone!”

M.D. wrote “I am glad more people like you are talking about violence to women. It takes courage to do what you do and I thank you on behalf of all of us who experienced abuse in our life in one form or another.”

M.P. wrote “I started following you Kristin in 2018. That was a difficult time as I lost my son to gun violence. He went to a friend’s house, somebody he’s known since childhood to hangout that day, nothing wrong with that, he was enjoying his day off, and two people came in and robbed his house, killing both my son, and his friend, needless to say, I was, and I still get Devastated, just thinking about it. My son Christopher was such a kind, gentle Giant, as he stood 6ft, a humble, soul, he made friends, and didn’t know enemies, and it saddens me too know this happened to him. I was so broke in sprit, looking for something to help me through my grief, don’t get me wrong, I always rely on God’s Great care, as I am a praying, Spiritual Woman , but I came across one of your videos on YouTube, and I always enjoyed crochet, so I started to follow you, Your Podcast is truly a Godsend for me, you have help me from getting through my darkest days, to, being able to, actually want care again, you helped me through, in ways that you may not understand, one stitch at a time, and I thank you, for being who you are. May God Always continue to keep Blessing you Kristin, because you are blessed, and Never Stop What You’re Doing, because you don’t know who’s life you’re ministering to…. One Stitch At A Time💯♥️😘”

M.K. wrote “Dear Kristin, Congratulations on the 1000th episode of your show! I came across your YouTube channel by accident this year. You are a great teacher and I have learned some good tips already. Besides the wonderful patterns, I also saw your recordings by the sea, the zen episodes where you sat quietly on the beach. I have seen them all. I have been watching the beautiful scenery with tears in my eyes, listening to the waves. It was what I needed at the time. I have a mild form of cerebral palsy in my legs. On top of that, I’ve had some physical bad luck over the past year. Because I was injured and was at home a lot, I started crocheting again. It’s fun to do and it’s truly relaxing. Your motivational speeches did me good. A nice reminder that it is enough to be okay. That it can only get better. I have started crocheting again, besides writing my life story. I admire your energy, your creativity and your commitment. After reading your life story even more so. I do understand the drive that comes with being a mother. Know that what you do with such a positive spirit is special. It motivated me to keep going. Because I can’t take long walks myself, I really enjoy the beach walks. It must be wonderful with your bare feet along the Gulf of Mexico. Here in the Netherlands, it is often windy, rainy and cold. We have a beach on the North Sea, but that’s no comparison. 😉 You’re taking us all with you on your journey, and that’s a great thing. I sincerely thank you for that. It feels like a friendship on the other side of the world, without you even knowing me, but that’s okay. I look forward to everything you do. It’s nice to learn new things. To get inspired. What you share is worth more than you may realize, and I think to many of us. I wish you lots of love, happiness and success. May all good things come to you! Love, M”

M.E. wrote “Hi Kristin, First, I want to say how fun it has been to follow your show. You showing up completely whole heartedly every day is very empowering. The strength and vulnerability you share is bravo. You are beautiful, caring and full of unconditional love. This is the fun part – a few months ago I was looking for a wrap or shawl. I found yours – and there you were crocheting the Koa and Layla shawl on the beach! I’ve fallen in love with them both, and being the beach girl that I am, I was hooked. I can’t wait to order the yarn and start them. I can’t tell you relaxed it makes me to wake up and join at 5:30 am…say hi to everyone. It’s a perfect way to help me start a mindful day…especially since I can be a little anxious in the mornings. And the sunsets at 2:00 in the afternoon is a perfect time to take break. Oh – as I was scrolling through your videos, I did not realize a few years ago when I was first starting to crochet. I made the crochet on strap in the same colors Caribbean Turquoise. I live in those chamois tanks. I said – ‘That’s Kristen!!! It was so easy to follow you and it turned out perfect. Your creativity and time you take to share with us is beyond belief. Thank you again for your beautiful designs and tender loving care. Love, M”

M.W. wrote “I have been watching you live shows for about 3 yrs, I would watch most if I could while getting ready for work. You are so inspiring to me, I have learned some new stuff from you, love your tutorials on crochet. I don’t knit. But I went through cancer treatments last yr and still trying to get back a crocheting, I especially like the beach shows. Sunset most recent of course is the best. I miss a lot of the morning ones since I sleep late most days. I’m most proud of you for your courage to move on from your tragic domestic life, and very proud you share it. I love your show. Thank you for inspiring me on many levels.”

M.F. wrote “What does it mean? I think it means creativity! I think it means expanding on skills! I think it means a community of likeminded Crafters! Thank you it has been a joy and an honor! Many thanks!!!”

M.M. wrote “I found you when you did the 5-hour designing live shawl. I was already working from home some, but the pandemic threw that into a permanent thing that is still the case today. I started crocheting more and more and love the garments you design. I didn’t think there could be so many beautiful crochet items, but you keep cranking them out and inspiring me to keep creating. I really found calm and a wonderful community in YouTube and your show right when I needed it. I have anxiety from PTSD and a lot of services from the VA were cut back or scaled back in March 2020, so I threw myself into crochet.”

M. M. wrote “This show has meant so much to me and help me grow. It has shown me how much people actually do care about what you do. I have watched almost every episode from the beginning to podcast number 981 and have enjoyed every one of them. I love how you explained so many different things in your Podcasts, and that you have a tendency to make everyone laugh even at your expense. But we are laughing with you and I enjoy it so much. I may not catch it live but I watch it every day. Unless I’m on vacation and then I watch it all when I get home. So much determination and love goes into each podcast, I can just feel every bit of it. You have inspired me to start crocheting more garments for myself and my family. And your yard is so wonderful I have tried almost every one of them and have been so happy with everything being so soft beyond my knowledge meant. Even my daughter commented that I spend way too much on yarn. But I told her I wanted to get your stuff because it was fantastic. I’m even going to try a knitting project one of these days. I thank you for being there for me , and helping me to enjoy life a little bit more! Create share and inspire you do it all! I can’t even explain how my life is now compared to boring. Thank you again!”

M.A. wrote “Kristin, your eagerness to inspire, has inspired me. Also, like you said, “just showing up everyday” is to be commended. Thank you!”

M.L. wrote “Kristin, When I first found you, I had gone through a very difficult year. I have Ehlers Danlos Syndrom ( A connective tissue disorder) which I was born with, and I had a complete hip surgery and had lost my 16 year old dog Rocky a Papillon, and my 9 year old Weenie dog Trip! Only 7 months apart! I had lost my crochet mojo and was just depressed. I started watching you and you inspired me to crochet again with a new zest! Not just for crocheting but for life too. I had no motivation for anything but I started wanting to get up and around just so I would not miss you on youtube! Which was hard and still is since Im a night owl. Your positivity rang through to me so much that I left my depression behind and just wanted to crochet. I started to make small goals for myself and my crocheting. I started a facebook group for just my friends and family. I wanted to make sure that everyone I knew got something that I made. I had never made a sweater or cardigan before and you inspired me to just go for it and now I really can’t stop. I have even made my own patterns this last year and I have made most of my nephews a Cardigan. I have 3 left. LOL …The more I watched and found out about you and found your website and everything, I just fell in love with you and what you’re all about! I want to thank you for being here and just being you and doing what you do. I am so glad I found you and am thankful for your inspiration!”

M.O. wrote “Kristin, I think of you as a strong beautiful woman with great ambition and a heart made of gold. I watch all your shows because your compassion for the arts has taught me so much. I feel your honesty, I feel your strength. You’re an amazing woman I’m so happy for your success. Keep up the good work.”

N.A. wrote “I’ll never forget. It was the end of Spring, 2018. I was nearing the end of a seriously challenging school year teaching my 7th and 8th graders. As most teachers do this time of year, I started dreaming of my long-awaited summer vacation. During the school year I started discovering Crochet tutorials on Youtube. Being a long-time Crocheter, I was excited about learning more techniques. One day while browsing Crochet channels, I came across “Yarn on the Beach”. I immediately said to myself, “What?! My two favorite things?! Crocheting and hanging out at the beach!!” The minute I started watching Kristin’s bright smile and fabulous enthusiasm, I was hooked (pun intended)! What a treat to start my day at the beach, watching the sunrise, with my new favorite Youtube channel! Kristin, I cannot tell you enough how you helped lift my spirits during a difficult time in my career. You helped me look forward to something new and exciting! I love how you make all of us feel welcomed like a good friend. That is what you have become to me. God bless you always, Kristin! You rock!!”

N.A. wrote “ I started taking classes knitting and crocheting at Michaels about 8 years ago. I had 2 really great teachers with a love and passion for these crafts. My crochet teacher always mentioned I should check out your patterns because they are so unique and creative. I’m so glad I did! While I still have a ton of UFOs and projects lined up I feel like the projects I’ve made from your patterns were easy to understand and quick to finish. You are an inspiration! Your positivity means so much and has helped me try to have a more positive attitude especially when dealing with all the negativity that’s around. I enjoy watching your show and love the nature walks and sunset edition. The beach and gulf background are very calming. Your backstory is one of bravery and perseverance and a message of to never give up! Thanks for all the great show, patterns, and yarn! If I still have time to get a part 2 in here it is but if not I understand. I wanted to add that there are so many new techniques and ideas I’ve learned and continue to learn from the show. It’s so great to see how a pattern can be adjusted for any size yarn and even shape from a top down, square or in the round. The positivity of Kristin and the viewers has really meant a lot and has gotten me through some tough days. Thank you!

N.S. wrote ” Two years ago at the age of 50, I was diagnosed with an aggressive form of breast cancer. As you can imagine from that point on my life was turned upside down. Questions about how I was going to continue to work full-time and support myself as an elementary school teacher, pay mounting medical bills and continue to care for my elderly mother with Alzheimer’s swirled around in my head. But I held onto faith that God doesn’t give us more than we can handle. Fast-forward several months later and I was going through chemotherapy. As anyone who’s been through chemo knows, it can be very fatiguing. Lots of couch time. So, I decided this would be the time to catch up on my reading and TV shows. I began reading Jessica Simpson’s newly released memoir which led to watching reruns of her reality show from years back. In the show she wears this gorgeous and unusual looking shawl. Did a little research and discovered it was designer crochet shawl …way out of my price range. Then I begin thinking to myself, I can learn to crochet and make it myself. Well, I came to find out the delta flower stitch is not exactly the best stitch to start with if you’re an absolute beginner. But I didn’t give up and in my in all of my YouTube searches I found only one tutorial that I could actually follow and made sense to me – and that’s how I discovered the Kristin Omdahl channel. I made my first shawl – the Tender Celeste – and couldn’t believe I could actually make something that I’m proud to wear… and get compliments on! From there I discovered the daily podcast which became a source of inspiration and comfort during a challenging time. Three months after I completed my cancer treatment, my mother passed away. That has been by far the most difficult time in my life. She was everything to me. I put down my crochet hook for a time but picked it up again and I continued on with life. I’m now in remission and two years cancer free. As Kristin says, we are more alike than different. We all have our struggles in life. I appreciate Kristin’s honesty in sharing hers so we realize we’re not alone. I appreciate this community that encourages and supports one another. Here’s to a thousand more episodes of creating, sharing and inspiring one another <3″

P.B. wrote “I found your podcast in 2018. I have not only met friends for life, but also learned to crochet to a new level. I learned initially to crochet in 2007 while living in Sarasota FL. It was my third try over several years, and it finally clicked. Your podcast and videos have taught me so much with especially reading charts. I also appreciate all the great patterns and books. The most special part….my friends who have checked on me throughout several crises including my husband’s emergency open heart surgery and my own surgeries. The positivity experienced here has kept me going. Thank you, Kristin and Judi😊❤️”

P.G. wrote “I have been watching off and on for over five years and I am always amazed by your creativity. Kristin, you also have the talent to incorporate others in your creative process. You ask for ideas and feedback. I have always been impressed by your story since it touches me on a personal note. You survived, my sister did not. I always try to volunteer in some way with charities that deal with domestic violence. When I lived in another state I was a volunteer on the hotline. We placed people in temporary housing until they could find some place more permanent. My son is grown but I am a single parent. It is wonderful to see how your son has grown. You inspire me to get up every day, put makeup on and look my best. Plus all that wonderful yarn and patterns! All the best!”

R.L. wrote “It has been an up and down life. I am 90 years old and I think that kind of life made me so strong today, Meeting you Kristin has also helped me, I have been crocheting and knitting since I was 13 years old. Your spirit is awesome.”

R.A. wrote “It’s been a pleasure watching your videos. They have been encouraging and the special nugget that I get from your videos is to keep going and don’t allow what life throws at you to steal your dream.”

S.A. wrote “What the Kristin Omdahl’s show has meant to me is everything good in learning how to knit, crochet, relax, share with others our creations, learning new ways of being positive in body mind health and spirit by sharing experiences and Kristin’s beautiful yarns, creations and talents she brings to us as she explains so well everything she does and shares with us on her live episodes. She is so warm, loving and a real sweetheart so full of knowledge when it comes to everything she talks about and makes. Her yarns are beautifully dyed and nice to work with. Her patterns are amazing. She has authored many books and been on many television broadcasts. Her recipes are healthy and her zest for life and living and sharing with us are so real and down to earth. She is a wonderful genuine friend making all of us feel happy to be one of her viewers and like we are a part of her family because she is so loving and kind yet always wanting to share more and more of her life and talents with us. I have learned so much from her and I’m thankful for this amazing woman with so many talents. She is a strong single woman and mother who overcame domestic violence and constantly gives to the cause she has created to help others of domestic violence. God has blessed this woman with a solid strength and love for everyone and she is always doing good in her life and her best to raise her son Marlon who is such a nice young man who has great respect and love for his mother. Thank you Kristin for everything you have taught us and shared with us on your live broadcasts and tutorials, thank you for sharing all you know for the love of creating with yarn and your many other talents shared. May God keep blessing your life with all good and perfect health, talents, strength, love and prosperity in this lifetime. I appreciate you and I’m thankful I found you on the Internet. You’re a true definition of a woman who has got the will to survive and keep sharing your gifts and talents that God has given you. I admire you and you inspire me, I thank you and I Love you, S”

S.W. wrote “I was first introduced to you by watching the “knit and Crochet Now “ TV Show . Taking in how demonstrate and make it so easy to create a project. Shortly I got into “You Tube “ and soon noticed that you were the same person from the TV show !! As from watching your video’s I was so impressed by how you had shared your story and written the book “ Be so Caring” with proceeds going to help the victims of domestic violence. I purchased that book and crocheted the Mary Jane Shawl in a cherry red. I got attention and so many complements when I wore it because it’s so gorgeous! I would describe your show to others as well rounded and versatile since you Knit and Crochet. You offer cool recipe ideas, clothing and beauty tips as well. Congratulations Kristin! You do have a lot to be proud of !”

S.D. wrote “Hi, I am 64 years young and I started crocheting 2 years ago. I quickly became a yarn snob and love good quality yarns. I don’t remember how I got to Kristin’s podcasts but I am so thankful I found her. I am addicted to all her yarn and I have made quite a few things from her patterns and in her books 52 crochet gifts and 80 handmade gifts. I am having problems following patterns and reading charts but every day I learn something new and get more experience. But I am grateful I have found crocheting as my hobby as I so enjoy it! it’s my meditation for the mind! Thank you, Kristin, for all you share, your wisdom, strength and kindness. You are immensely talented and such an Inspiration! So happy to know you!”

S.K. wrote “Thank you, for taking us with you on your outings to the beaches and parks. It brings me such joy to be able to enjoy the walks down the beach with you. It also brings nice memories of a time I lived for 26 years near the Gulf of Mexico, and miss it so. Again, Thank You!!”

S.M. wrote “How time has flown Kristin….I was introduced to you, by my sister; ‘Yarn on the Beach’, in the early 120? Episode. I didn’t even know about YouTube, podcasts, channels and the like! I went back and watched all the early episodes and have made you a daily visit most days! You are the ONLY person doing daily videos on the subject I love…YARN! I have a large collection of not only your brand, but lots of rustic wool, and everything in between, too! I Love it ALL!!! What I appreciate about your podcast, is that they are only30 minutes or so long. Let’s face it, we are all busy people! I don’t always see you Live,( 6am. Calif time) but I watch each episode, and when my sister and I talk on the phone, I always ask, “Did you see Kristin today?” She’s still working, but being retired, I am able to tune in and enjoy a little a Yarny Goodness each day. I also appreciate your including all weights of yarn and both Crochet and also Knitting! Kristin, it’s been fun and I have very much gone down the Yarny Rabbit Hole! And it all started with YOU!!! I view so many lovely podcasters, and see all of yours and their beautiful projects, I have been Inspired to knit and crochet more things in the past couple of years than ever before! Only Now….I have to stop purchasing the beautiful yarns and use up my lovely Stash yarn! Your lovely patterns will help me in that department! Thanks again Kristin, for all your hard work, in making the quality videos, and tutorials, and in teaching all of us, to better our skills, and to continue to make Beautiful Things!!! Sincerely, S”

S.C. wrote “What this YOTB, CSI and now KO show means to me. When I first discovered you and when you started your very first YOTB podcast my life and the world was normal. Little did I know what was ahead. This group has carried me through my husband’s battle with his cancer, then loss of him and now in my life. There has been so many of people in this group who have touched my life beyond measure. Grace, you offering to come by the hospital and to bring me anything I needed. I was amazed that you would do that, even though we had not meet in person. That will remain in my heart forever. Lisa, I appreciate the hellos on the podcast even if I haven’t said Hi. You always know that I’m there. I value our continuing friendship. So many of us just holding a special bond because of this podcast. I was also connected to a couple of other people through a pattern we all were working on together, without any of us knowing, The Birch Lace Vest. Which I have made at least 5 of them.   A couple of us bonded with life events, and one now always calls me Sunshine and does still to this day. It always brings a smile to my face. She has been my rock through all the ups and downs with my husband cancer battle and then when he passed. She was there for support. She would listen to me cry and guide me through. Even though we may never meet, but I hope we will, we have the strongest bond and for that I will be forever grateful for this. Thank you, Kristin,”

S.D. wrote “Happy 1000th Episode, Kristin! Before I share my story, I’d love to take a moment to sincerely thank you for sharing so much of yourself and your talents with all of us! I’m certain that this won’t be the first time you hear this – but your kind, approachable…realness is what endears you to so many. Your generosity of spirit is tangible, and truly touches us all 🙂 I am so very happy to be a part of the KO community! My story? I learned to crochet from my roommate some 30-years ago. I’ll date myself here, but after working all week we enjoyed winding down on Friday evenings by renting old 30’s, 40’s and 50’s musicals from Blockbuster and catching up. She would often use this time to crochet the most beautiful blankets and baby items and it intrigued me but seemed far too difficult for me to learn. As I would come to learn later, most avid crafters enjoy teaching others and she patiently taught me the basic stitches that became the foundation for many afghans/ blankets of my own over the years. I didn’t know that you could crochet anything else…haha! That all changed in 2016. My best friend, who had been diagnosed a few years earlier with a particularly tough form of cancer, had taken up crochet and knitting as a form of relaxation and calming. She began to ask me questions, and while I hadn’t crocheted much in recent years, her queries ( and the emergence of youtube!) reawakened my interest in crochet. I visited a real yarn shop for the first time that year, and my first Sheep/Wool Festival – and was amazed at all of the beautiful things that could be made with crochet – and all the varieties of beautiful yarns! I purchased my first pattern book – “Wrapped in Crochet “ – and promptly tried to give it to my friend because the patterns seemed so hard to me! Instead of taking the book, she challenged me to learn to make one piece from it. She said that if I still wanted to give her the book at that point that she would take it. I picked the pattern that I felt was easiest to me – the “Diamonds” shawl. I learned how to read charts using that pattern. Three weeks later, it was finished and I was so proud of myself : ) My sweet friend never did get that book, and the rest is history! Kristin, in the most literal sense – you are directly tied to my love of creating beautiful things with crochet ( and knitting – which I picked up a few years ago!). I was thrilled to find your podcast and get to connect with you in such a wonderful way! You are a treasure, truly, and here’s to the next thousand episodes! All the best to you, friend! “

T.L. wrote “I was 55 when I taught myself to crochet and now I’m 62! I taught myself from YouTube videos but I learned so much more by watching your videos. You covered so much more content in your videos that appealed to me. Not only did you teach me how to read patterns and charts, you have influenced my style of clothes and given me so much confidence in myself! You have become a familiar name in my home! I have also learned the difference between the “good” yarns and other yarns. Yours are the best!! I admire you and your enthusiasm and zest for life and learning! You should be so proud of yourself for creating, sharing, and inspiring so many people with your many talents! Here’s to 1000 more episodes of The Kristin Omdahl Show!💖”

T.S. wrote “I started watching Kristin before she started doing what was then called Yarn on the Beach. I stumbled upon one of her tutorials for a scarf and was so thrilled that it was constructed in such a way that both ends matched! I had only seen scarves where one end was just a row of chains and the other end had a design. I think this is genius and I have learned so much. So I kept watching her tutorials, always learning something new. When she started Yarn on the Beach she was doing these lives shows 6 days a week! I was very impressed. One of the main reasons is the connection to my family. My sister had been living in Naples for many years with her family and my parents retired there. It was great to see Kristin at all the beaches I go to when down there. Her tenacity to keep doing the show for all this time is so impressive! Yes, we all play a part in her success but she’s the one who gets up and goes to the beach or at her home if necessary and plans out these live chats with so many interesting topics. I get to stay home and watch on my tablet, lol. I’ve really enjoyed her show from the very beginning. I have learned so much. I have to be totally honest here and say that, since I’ve lost both of my parents in the last 2 1/2 years, seeing the beach is bittersweet and many times the tears do roll. But I push forward and watch it to the end. They loved the beach. So thank you Kristin for the connection to my family and for your perseverance in bringing your show to us along with your bountiful knowledge of so many subjects. Sharing your personal stories and struggles is very brave and such a blessing for so many. Wishing you continued success in your business and life with Marlon who is also a blessing! Tell him I’m still waiting for his awesome Shrimp Scampi! XO. Your friend, T ❤️”

T.F. wrote :I ‘v only been crocheting for about a year now so I was looking for something more challenging and delicate. To my delight and joy that is where I found your Youtube site Kristin! Thank you! You are very talented and very patient! I really appreciate your time and effort to share and teach many!!! “

T.H. wrote “ I was color challenged before seeing your videos. I really appreciate all the hard work you put in for our benefit. Thank you so much for all you do. I continue to learn so much from you.  Take care Kristin.”

V.S. wrote “Hi Kristin I like you I was abused sexually by my Dad and my older brother when I was 7 years old and it went on till I was 15′ I told my Mother but nothing ever happened because she had 13 children and she was not doing a lot I came out of school at 15 to help to do the cooking cleaning laundry, That went on till I got married at 23. I was on Face book one night and I saw someone selling Younique products. He was doing his Podcast and I was watching. One night by accident I sent a picture of my knitting and he sent me your link, I started to follow you because there were 3 people in the house, but I was by myself, I had someone to talk to. My husband passed May 28th this year. My son is at work during the day, and he goes out at night. There were other issues during my marriage but that story is to long I was married just about 48 years this year. I love your freshness and honesty. You have come a long way but you made it I’ll watch you as long as you are on. You are doing great.”

W.W. wrote “What has thrilled me about your patterns & yarns is that there is the perfect balance of consistency & variety. No matter what pattern I make, crochet or knit, I can easily tune into your way of teaching & how the patterns unfold. There is so much variety that I will never run out of creations to make. Each one is a whole new adventure, even when I make the same pattern several times in different colors. Your yarns & colors are perfect! My all-time favorite yarn is Be So Baby. The videos are so down-to-Earth, gorgeous, & enjoyable–like talking with a good friend & show us the yarns & patterns in detail. Your whole operation is a continuing, evolving, huge Adventure! Thank you so much!”

W.M. wrote “Hi Kristin! First, I must start with a heartfelt congratulations! I sometimes find it hard to make my bed three days in a row, let alone commit to opening my home and life for so many consecutive days, weeks and now years! 🙂 Your ever excitement in seeing a dolphin, a kind act, sharing a sunset or finding a bird wanting to say hello is nothing short of endearing. Your bravery in opening up and sharing yourself, for better or for worse is also an inspiration. The confidence you exude in wearing, modeling and styling your own handmade pieces is a personal boost for myself. It may seem like just a podcast to you, but it has become so much more than that. While your gorgeous yarns, patterns and patient teaching tools are enough to make anyone want to come back for more, it’s your beautiful spirit and positivity that really resonates with me. In what can be an otherwise cruel and dark world (youtube especially), for at least thirty minutes a day, your podcast guarantees at least one smile, and a laugh or two (particularly when those pesky bobby pins fall out of nowhere, acting like a bug!) LOL. Being a master in your craft and having the willingness to share with others is one of the most generous gifts you can give, so for that, and so much more, a huge thank you! In closing, while I’ve never personally responded in the live chat (maybe one day!), I am there almost every day and would be remiss without mentioning the wonderful people and moderators that come and hang out with you and share their stories as well. The community you bring together is nothing short of a compliment to you and them. Finally, a special shoutout to Judi! Your wonderful customer service skills, quick click links in the live chat and helpful nature are second to none! 1,000 episodes down; now to begin the countdown to 10,000! 🙂 

Kristin Omdahl is the best-selling author of dozens of knit and crochet books; designer of almost 1000 knit and crochet patterns; producer of award-winning videos; and curator of gorgeous yarns and products. You can join Kristin LIVE 5 days a week for The Kristin Omdahl Show on YouTube and browse through thousands of tutorial videos there, too. Kristin donates a portion of every sale to help survivors of domestic violence. Learn more about Kristin’s charity, Project Kristin Cares HERE.

Shop Kristin Omdahl Yarns HERE

Shop Kristin Omdahl Crochet Patterns HERE

Shop Kristin Omdahl Knitting Patterns HERE

I would love to see your creations. Just as much fun as making these myself is the satisfaction I get from seeing my designs come to life and other knit and crochet fans wearing them too. There are now 2 ways you can share what you have done!

  • I have recently added a wonderful new interactive section to the website which I invite you to take part in, it has been a smashing success and such fun so far. It is the new “Share Your Project” section. You, my creators, can upload images and descriptions of your creations to share with the ever growing community! To upload simply click here. 
  • Join the KO Community for a PRIVATE forum to share your work and chat with other KO friends HERE

Additionally, I host a livestreaming podcast, vlog or show weekday on my YouTube Channel called The Kristin Omdahl Show. You can join the audience and even ask me questions LIVE! I often do a show and tell, or quick demo and I always interact with the live audience. It is a lot of fun!

You can browse through over 1000 previously recorded episodes HERE: The Kristin Omdahl Show Playlist. Make sure to subscribe to my YouTube Channel to get reminders when the next episode airs LIVE.

And you can also Refer-A-Friend and get rewarded, too! Learn more HERE

I look forward to seeing what you create!



198 thoughts on “1000th Episode of the Kristin Omdahl Show

  1. kkrihal1 says:

    Wonderful! Beautiful reading everyone’s comments! Congratulations on reaching 1000 episodes Kristin! Happy day to everyone!

    Kiranjit Rihal

    • janhare26 says:

      My heartfelt congratulations to you, Kristin on an extraordinary milestone. It’s clear that you have touched many lives The overwhelming love and admiration poured out to you is more than well deserved. I have watched your podcast since 2013, but remained reticent to comment until much later. You are magical, extremely talented and have the capacity to draw people in lovingly. It’s no wonder virtual strangers call you “friend. I have learned much from you creatively, personally and emotionally and I will remain a loyal follower. Thank you. God bless you and your family.

    • Donna Sako says:

      WOW “1000” EPISODES!!! That’s a very big deal with a lot of Dedication, Time and Effort on your behalf. Congrats and Thank You! I so look forward to the next 1000 episodes of Beautiful Ocean Scenes, Lovely Patterns, and the way you CREATE SHARE & INSPIRE!

  2. DONNA STROUD says:

    Congrats on 1000th show. Love your dress and the green and yellow yarn. So great. Sorry you have to change so much. But i look forward to change. Could bring bigger and better things.

  3. christine says:

    CONGRATS AMAZING KRISTIN!!!!! been Mostly silently with you since episode 1. You are a very talented, generous, beautiful, strong woman! Thanks for all you have always done.

  4. Mechelle McDavid says:

    Congrats on your 1000th episode!!!! I love your show and I love you!! You are such an inspiration and as long as there is a Kristin Omdahl show, I will be a part of it!!!!!

  5. Pamela Binder says:

    Congrats on 1000! I have learned so much from your podcasts, tutorials, and patterns. The best part is all the friends I have made for life. Thank you❤️

    • Donna says:

      Hi Kristin, Congratulations on your 1000th episode. I have been watching since the beginning. Love the show and our knit and crochet family. Please don’t stop doing what you do so wonderfully, Being one of the most caring, beautiful and authentic human beings I know ❤️. Take care and remember: The world is your oyster. We will always be with you. Love and lots of hugs

  6. Rachelle says:

    Congratulations on your 1,000th episode and persevering through all your challenges! I wish you the best in your future endeavors and hope that some day in the future you will be able to bring your line of yarns back. I have always been impressed with your willingness to take time to answer all the questions your viewers have in your live shows. Thank you for your customer service and generosity! Keep up the great work! ~ Rachelle

  7. Sandra Ward says:

    So excited to be able to be part of your audience today. Thank you, Kristen for all that you contribute to your customers and subscribers. Super excited for your milestone . We appreciate you!

  8. Mel Hartley says:

    I enjoy your show, not only have I learned more crochet techniques and beautiful patterns., but found your show to be comforting and calming. Your yarn is beautiful and I have love using it. Your bags are my go to project bags and I love them . You are so inspiring and energetic. You are a survivor and help me feel like I can do anything.

  9. stephiejaneg says:

    I am so enjoying this episode of the show and listening to everyone’s story. I didn’t send mine in, but your show has become a daily ritual of mine. I suffer from daily migraines, but listen when I cannot watch. I love the way that you are so confident and it has inspired me to be confident about my body which has been damaged by double mastectomies and subsequent numerous surgeries due to problems with infections from reconstruction. Thank you so much for all that you do.

  10. Erica says:

    Hi Kristin! You are a lovely person. Your positivity and creativity are contagious. I’m so grateful for you and your vlog. Here’s to many more vlogs, too!

  11. aerohorse2 says:

    Thank you for everything you do Kristin I love your patterns and your up beat personality. Can’t wait to see what is down the road for us

  12. Donna Wolslagel says:

    Loved your 1000th episode!! It was wonderful how you included your membership in on the celebration. As I get older I’m reminded that everything in our life is for a time and a season and when one door closes another opens. Sometimes we need to let go of the fake pearl neckless to receive the real one. I look forward to seeing that real pearl necklace on you!! Blessings Donna

  13. Linda says:

    Congratulations I’ve been watching you since your first episode I have followed you with all the things that you’ve done I remember was seeing the dolphin I remember when Marvin’s grandparents passed away I remember when you had to move away just like you are now and I remember all of them because I’ve been there with you all the way through everything you’re a great teacher and I love your show please go on do not give up I hope you have another thousand episodes graduations it it it it it it it it

  14. mgcosta4 says:

    Congratulations to all of us!!! It’s hard for me to put everything you’ve meant to me into words. Listening to you read all of everyone’s submissions, I heard all of what and how I feel about this channel and about you. It was extremely touching and heartfelt. Best wishes and lots of hugs being sent your way. The best IS yet to come. Love, Maria Grace Costa (772-209-0221)

  15. Kelly says:

    Love your episodes. Can’t stand being around the sand, so to see the beach through your podcast is the best. I have watched and followed you since you have been on TV. Love you as a designer and teacher. Keep up the great work!

  16. LORI HOOKER says:

    Such a touching milestone episode today! Congratulations on the 1000th episode! As usual, I love the color names of the two yarns you showed! Cheers to many more episodes!

  17. mblades478 says:

    Loved your 1000th episode. You encourage so many people everyday with your lovely presence on YouTube. Thank you, Kristin.

  18. Debbie P says:

    Kristin today was very inspiring! I hope you felt how loved, respected , valued and encouraged by everyone watching and commenting today. Whether I win anything or not I’m a winner being a part of your yarny family. Thank you and please continue to share with us all. Much love and prayers for all the new challenges and the awesome new journey we’ll go through together

  19. Christine says:

    Great job on your 1000th episode, Kristin. Reading through so many heartfelt tributes could not have been easy. As always you did it with grace and sincerity and tru appreciation. I hope all of this is a testament to how much we all appreciate YOU!

  20. Ellen B says:

    Episode #1000 was perfect!!! From the sound of the waves, to the wonderful words from your community, to the walkers in the background (especially the one that helped untangle the balloons.) It was perfect!!! Thank you for all you do Kristen!!!

  21. liona says:

    I caught most of today’s show live but it was nice to read everyone’s input here too. I’m looking forward to the next 1000 episodes.

  22. Wendy Neal says:

    Fantastic 1000th episode today, Congratulations! I loved every minute of it! Several of us in the live chat think you should name your new dress pattern “The Kristin Dress” in honor of your achievement! We love you, Kristin, keep up the hard work! You are one awesome Lady!

  23. JudyGraham says:

    I watched the whole LIVE and it felt good to be a part of it. One thing I didn’t mention but someone else did is how special you make me feel when I order something and you write thank you and sign the invoice. I appreciate that extra effort, Thank you

  24. Tina says:

    What an amazing group of friends we have in your forum. You have touched our lives in so many ways. Congratulations once again to you and your moderators. I look forward to being a part of your next chapter. Many thanks..Tina

  25. Linda Austerman says:

    The 1000th episode was perfect! It was moving to hear all the wonderful stories from everyone and how you and The Kristin Omdahl show has made such an impact on their lives. What a sense of accomplishment you must have. Thank you for your commitment to show up each day and share your God given talents. You are an inspiration to so many! I will close with one of my favorite quotes…Gratitude is the attitude that sets the altitude of living. Thank you so very much!

  26. Debi Robinson says:

    Congratulations on 1000 Episodes. “She believed she could and so SHE DID!” “When you build it they will come.” ” Fall down 10x’s and get up 11x’s”. Kristen, you are all these things and more. You are the sucess you are because YOU made it happen.
    Wishing you so much more than you give us, Debi Robinson aka Debidewdrop61

  27. SherryMaryKay says:

    Congratulations on your 1000th episode (and more because we all know youtube messed you over in ‘losing’ previous….what?….500 or more episodes)! It was a lovely show, with lovely tributes to your diligence and hard work, your sharing and inspirations! Congratulations, again! Here’s to your next 1000!

  28. Karen Untz says:

    I’m not sure my comment posted, so thank you Kristin! You put so much of you into your craft for us! You are truly an artist at your craft!
    Karen Untz

  29. ladeedi162 says:

    Hi Kristin! What a beautiful show to watch, I didn’t catch it all live but what I did watch was very inspirational. I am soooo looking forward to watching your highlighted videos from the beginning and throughout. I’ve been watching for about 2 years or so, almost faithfully and always the recorded shows. I am always excited when I finish one of your projects, sometimes they do go in timeout’s due to difficulties, but I always resume and give it ago until I finish them. I have made many, I have also tried to share on your site but for some reason I always get a message saying they have to be in jpeg and I have no clue how to fix that even though I’ve tried. But even though I can’t at this time share them, I ALWAYS get compliments on what I am wearing when it comes to your patterns. They are elegant and very feminine, and they make me feel happy when I wear them. I am looking forward to growing with you. One goal for me is to learn how to read your charts, I’m a visual learner with the need for the written instructions to guide me, so the charts will be the next hurdle to tackle. Thank you again Kristin, you are such a joy to watch. Congratulations again. Diane

  30. Martha says:

    Congratulations on your 1000th episode today!! I enjoyed watching and listening to u share all those letters all expressing love , thank you s and love which u deserve for being you .. excited to see what come next!

    • Sharon Thomas says:

      Congratulations on your 1000th episode! It’s quite a milestone and we all know you have worked very hard for all of your “fans”. I have been following you for many years and just this past year I did one of your patterns. I never thought I was good enough but I did it. Love everything you do. Congratulations again for all of your accomplishments. Sharon T

  31. Sharon L says:

    Hi Kristin! I didn’t get a chance to send in some words ahead of your 1000 episode. But here now. Congratulations on such an amazing achievement. I started watching when the world shut down almost 2 years ago for the pandemic. You’ve kept me company every morning since. Making all of us laugh, cry, and feeling grateful for your positivity and “never give up” attitude. I was drawn to your website initially because I was seeking lacy airy crochet patterns and yours fit the bill. I then discovered the incredible level of detail and helpful tips that go into all of your patterns . I was hooked and tell so many others about your site! I’ve been so pleased with every yarn order as well. I’m sure you will find a way somewhere down the line to be able have a KO yarn lineup once again. I look forward to watching the favorite back episodes you posted above. Thanks again and can’t wait for the next 5000! Wishing you and your family all the best always. Sharon L

  32. Terry A Latham says:

    Oh my gosh! So many wonderful and heart felt comments! So many of the posts are things I wanted to say as well! Thank you and love you my virtual friend for all you do!

  33. Karri Mate says:

    Congratulations on 1000 episodes. I enjoyed watching the podcast this morning and listening to everyone’s beautiful stories. You are such an inspiration to me and I will continue to watch your show as long as you are willing to share. Thanks for everything.

    • Natalie T says:

      Congratulations on the 1000th episode!!!! What an amazing journey and it’s not over yet it was so great to hear everyone’s stories! You’ve had such a positive impact on all of us and I hope we can be there for you and to give you strength when you need it
      Like you say we are more alike than we are different . This is a great community!
      Here’s to the next leg in the journey episode 2000!!!

  34. Kristy Turley says:

    Congratulations on 1000 episodes. I enjoy watching your videos. You have taught me so much. Not just crochet, but so much more. You are beautiful inside and out. I agree with every single person that shared their stories.

  35. gattisgayle-9404 says:

    Kristin I wanted to say just how Amazing of a person you are ! Everyone that come here to the live pod cast everyday Adorable both you and all your Beautiful creations! I must say We are the lucky ones for having the opportunity to be able to have you as our Teacher! Much and And Love as we go go with you on this new page of the KristinOmdahl Show!❤️

  36. Michelle Wulf says:

    How exciting! What a beautiful accomplishment and what a wonderful community you have built. <3 Congratulations and thank you for sharing so many beautiful things with us!

  37. Mickie Labenz says:

    Congratulations on 1000 episodes! I enjoyed hearing all the stories and my own on how you affected and came into our lives! I for one will be with you for another 1000 as well! Im sure the future will bring new and bright things and Im all here for them! Thank You For Being You Kristin!!

  38. Donna Roach says:

    Congratulations Kristin! This is a major milestone for sure! I have really enjoyed your videos and your patterns are lovely! Thank you for your amazing products and the gift of knowledge that you have shared with us all!

  39. Sarah says:

    I enjoy your channel so much and started watching you from the very beginning with Yarn On The Beach.You have taught me so many things about crochet and life itself and helped me through so many difficult days..You are a real inspiration to everyone .

    Congratulations on your 1000 episode.I enjoyed listening to you reading everyone’s story.
    You are a very special person Kristin in so many ways.

  40. Terri Johnston says:

    I enjoyed hearing you read all of the comments!! Congratulations for 1K Kristin Omdahl shows! I’ve been with you since #1 YOTB! Actually I just happened to catch a livestream of you walking on the beach and announcing a Yarn On The Beach podcast coming soon! I was so excited you were going to start a daily show cause I’d become a fan of yours on PBS Knitting Daily. You are an amazing person!!!

  41. Marla Wetherell says:

    I was wTchinh live this morning but dentist called me in early ,I had to listen all the way to there then had to leave the live show. But glad I git to be part of it. CONGRATULATIONS KRISTIN. many more shows to come.

  42. gakadams791 says:

    Karen adams Thank you , so much Kristin , for all your hard work that you do every day on your show Congratulations you made 1000 and you will continue to another 1000 and more ; and I look forward to watching you and learning new thinks all the time . And thank s to all the others behind the scenes too you do and amazing Job !!! Great Job And I enjoy listing to all the stories and testimonials too keep up the Wonderful work amazing .!!!!!!!

  43. Julie Williams says:

    Congratulations on episode #1000! You have been a symbol of positivity, tenacity and graciousness each and every time I have watched your show. I have purchased yarn from you and own some of your books, both being excellent products. I will continue to watch your show and hope you have success in your transition to alternate housing and physical product sale.

  44. Rosa Navarro says:

    CONGRATULATIONS ON 1000 EPISODES! I missed the live but watched the reply. I really enjoyed all the stories. You really are an inspiration to all of us! God Bless you and here’s to another 1000! I know that you will overcome any challenge/obstacle you encounter. Thank you for all you do!

  45. Berni Joubert says:

    Awesome show today! Epic milestone to reach – huge congratulations!! Very heartwarming and inspiring to hear and read everyone’s comments. So proud of your efforts, dedication and hard work – well done, Kristin.

  46. Debora Duff says:

    Thank you so much for giving us the opportunity to say what the Kristin Omdahl Show means to every one of us. Todays show was so wonderful.

    Love always, Debora Duff

  47. kalbrecht2017 says:

    What a wonderful morning! I really enjoyed all the comments. I truly enjoy your videos and am absolutely addicted to the be so baby yarn!!!! I look forward to you sharing your new adventures.

  48. Thea Stewart says:

    Thank you so very much for a wonderful celebration today! It really was monumental! I was so blessed hearing you read all the lovely stories. Some I knew immediately who they were because, you Kristin, have given us the opportunity to make wonderful friends. There are no words adequate enough to convey my gratitude for that. Many thanks for your generosity. I look forward to seeing where the next chapter leads you as well as us. As hard as it is in some ways, I hope you can look to the future as a new adventure. I see only great things coming your way! May God bless you, Marlon and your family on this new exciting phase. Much love and prayers for a blessed future! Your friend, Thea❤️❤️

  49. Joanie Parker says:

    How exciting! I have made so many of your lovely projects! Congratulations! So glad you are staying on YouTube!! Very inspirational stories…

  50. Eve says:

    This morning’s episode was really nice. Somehow the excitement over the milestone has spilled into my day. 😀

  51. prlsb3v says:

    I loved watching and listening to everyone’s notes about the show. I love the beach and that’s what made me start to watch your program . Now like everyone else I am “hooked”! Keep on keeping on!

  52. Deb says:

    First I’d like to say congrats on your 1000th!
    Thank you for sharing with us all. I’ve learned so much from you. Can not express enough how much enjoyment over the years from watching you. Will enjoy watching as you continue sharing with us!

  53. Lois Billadeau says:

    CONGRATULATIONS KRISTIN ON YOUR 1000 celebration. I wish you much luck in your next steps of your Business Career and Life. Will be praying for you and Marlon.

  54. dianep0245 says:

    It was an awesome podcast today. Isn’t it great to hear how loved you are. I appreciate you in many ways. You touch my heart. If you can achieve so much with your strength, then I should be able to as well. You are an inspiration. Congratulations on 1,000. Bring on 2,000……and more.

  55. joan gandy says:

    Congratulations Kristin on your 1000th episode. if we all had a glass of champagne we could have a toast to you. i wish for you to continue to have many more episodes. i so enjoy joining you on the beach to talk about so much even if it isn’t yarn related. i don’t always manage to see the lives but do catch you after. Here is to you and may you have much success in all that you do!.

  56. Lorie McCombie says:

    Congratulations! Thank you for sharing, giving and caring.
    I for one have enjoyed the journey, I believe we all have been blessed by you. Creativity keeps me balanced

  57. Anna Hanley says:

    Kristin! A huge congratulations on 1000 episodes! Yay I wanted so desperately to watch the live this morning, but I work the night shift and struggled to stay awake. Slumber took over. Just finished watching the replay and it was so moving listening to you read all of the beautiful stories. Kristin, you are truly an amazing woman and I wish nothing but the very best for you and Marlon. May the blessings you have bestowed on us come back to you a 1000 fold❤️ Always here for you..

  58. Bethany+Johnson says:

    Kristin, i couldn’t let today go by without congratulating you on your continued success. I am only one of many who have been touched by your show. I now know God has good things in store for you!

  59. crotique says:

    I have watched since Episode 1 – because I have followed you for years. I have a file of your patterns along with Doris Chan, as you two are my favorite artists. I remember the negative comments within the first few episodes (she says umm to much etc…) and how you handled it gracefully. I am a wallflower and stand in the background a lot “speckledyarnbug” – don’t comment much. The episode where you went into your past life and how it still effects you – showed me how far you have come and how far I have to go to get over my past life abusers. No one talks – you do – I hope to come to that place one day. You have inspired me in more ways than crochet. I am looking forward to your next chapter. Happy Hooking!

  60. Barb says:

    So thrilled to celebrate #1000 with you! Re your having to move I am reminded of The Sound of Music. Didn’t Maria quote The Reverend Mother always saying something like, “When the Good Lord closes a door He always opens a window somewhere.”? I know you will find an open window and will find home. Blessings and thanks for all the fun you’ve shared with us.

  61. Barb says:

    So thrilled to celebrate #1000 with you! Re your having to move I am reminded of The Sound of Music. Didn’t Maria quote The Reverend Mother always saying something like, “When the Good Lord closes a door He always opens a window somewhere.”? I know you will find an open window and will find home. Blessings and thanks for all the fun you’ve shared with us. Looking forward to more.

  62. christinephelan50 says:

    Congratulations Kristin on such an amazing milestone , and what a wonderful show it was. I’m a shy and quite viewer who totally enjoys every show practically from the beginning , and wow how time has flown.
    Your light and smile is contagious and you brighten up my day , you inspire me each episode Thank you ❤️

  63. Rinie+van+Gerwen says:

    Congratulations again Kristin! Thank you for all those masterclasses, beach walks, your kindness to share your life with us and I hardly can find the words for what I am learning from you. I can only watch the life podcast occasionally, but the recorded version I always watch later, that became a part of my daily routine since I found you in 2018 after my retirement. You are such an amazing person and my heart broke when you told us you had to turn the page, you don’t deserve that! But we will be there for you! We will stay with you! One more thing: thank you

  64. Sondra says:

    Congrats on 1,000 Kristin. I enjoy your YT channel. Thanks for all you do. You are truly inspiring. Here’s to another 1,000.

  65. ladytopaz says:

    Great show Kristin it was wonderful Congratulation in all the fine work you do Hope you keep it up for many many years. Your smile and energy is over whelming keep it up Thanks for being there for me

  66. Sharon Thomas says:

    Congratulations Kristin on your 1000th episode. Thanks for everything you do to keep us excited about crochet and knitting and everything else . You have taught me a lot about crochet and reading patterns and charts. Last year I finally did one of your patterns when I thought I didn’t have the skills..

  67. Katt says:

    Many congratulations , all your your hard work and love for the yarn community has shined through and had an huge positive impact in all our lives , the testimonials have touched our hearts which confirms your a beautiful loved person ,may the universe send love and blessings for a secure prosperous future for you and your son .

  68. Judy+(ButterflyKisses)+Marcus says:

    It’s been said many times but CONGRATULATIONS KRISTIN on your 1,000 Episode … you are such a talented lady with many goals … it’s been a pleasure and fun watching you Reach for the Stars !! Continue your Journey

  69. Laurence says:

    Great 1000 épisode!!!tks for all you gave and for thé Future !lots of courage to all Will Come. It was awesome listening you Reading today! I m proud that you read mine.Big hugs from France

  70. beth.smith says:

    What beautiful words from everyone! I especially like the one from BJ it was like she actually knew you. Congratulations!

  71. Kerrie Bowie says:

    Congratulations Kristin on achieving your goal of 1000 episodes. I have watched since day 1 and have thoroughly enjoyed the ride with you. You are such a talent and inspiration, and just a beautiful person. Your dress is stunning. Thank you for everything you do. I wish you well for whatever is around the corner. Lots of Love
    Kerrie Lee Bowie

  72. Liz V. says:

    Kristin Congratulations on your 1,000th episode!!
    I started watching you when it was Yarn on the Beach. The fun of someone knitting or crocheting on the beach was all I needed! At the time, I was battling Aplastic Anemia. I was too weak to do anything but when I conjured up a little bit of strength, I would watch you & I learned a lot and it’s been fun ever since
    Knowing your strength of coming out of domestic violence & showing all of us that although it’s hard, you can make your life better.
    I’m sure your son, Marlon admires you because raising a child as a single mom isn’t easy & he can see what a bright & hard working person you are & that you’ve set an example for him. My mom was a single mom raising my sister & me without any help & although it was really hard, she did it. She’s my hero & I’m sure you’re Marlon’s hero too.
    I’m glad you’re staying on Youtube to keep inspiring us.

  73. triciatheknittinglady says:

    What a wonderful show and thank you for writing everyone’s comments. I always looks forward to your show, your patterns, beauty tips, etc. etc. etc. Thank you for just being you.

  74. Fay Hanson says:

    Gosh Kristin
    I wrote several appreciation letters, then got pulled into something else and never followed through! Gratefully, you didn’t allow life to pull you too far off course! Most people are consistently inconsistent! Not you and that helps all of us be more accountable to ourselves. You’ve had more than your fair share of “opportunities for growth “, I like to call them. You rise above and outshine the lot of us with your countless ability to move forward. Honestly, what else can we do?
    One of the biggest delights I’ve ever had, was being on the beach and meeting you for the first time, followed by a couple more meetings while I’m visiting FL! You are gracious, funny, inspiring, knowledgeable, gorgeous, and that’s not even touching on your tremendous body of work (working knowledge), yarns, is there anything you can’t do when you put your mind to it? You inspire me daily, I’m up early, and never miss a 6 am reminder to watch you live! I don’t always comment, I try to stay in the present moment with you. I do love the long time followers who make everyone welcome . Heck, this move of yours could be another powerful life growth spurt! Trust me, at 70, they just keep coming; but we are ready, we’ve been preparing all our lives!!!❤️❤️❤️

  75. Hannah says:

    Congratulations on your 1,000th episode!! I got hooked on your patterns about ten years ago and have been following you closely ever since. The delicateness your patterns bring to knitted and crocheted clothes inspires me to keep learning and making.

  76. kathy.mackay says:

    Congratulations on 1K!!! Thank you for taking the time this morning to read each and every story that was submitted. It was so heartwarming to hear all of the uplifting testimonials. You mean so much to so many, Kristin. Thanks for everything!

  77. sunshineleclair says:

    Congrat’s Kristin on 1000 episodes … incredible! I watched the 1000th episode in three parts lol though the day 😉 Such a dynamic lady … I love how you can persevere and be strong, and yet to the same degree are soft and emotional – what a wonderful combination. I’ve been with you for a long time and enjoy watching more and more. I’ll be here watching live or after for as long as you’re here 😉 Lots of love and blessings, Sunshine

  78. Colleen says:

    Congratulations Kristin, todays show was so touching to see how much you mean to so many people. I cannot wait to see what beautiful projects you have in store for us in the future. I look forward to watching your show every day and hope there will be another 1000 episodes and more.

  79. Kerri Ligatich says:

    Congratulations! You are such a special person. You had a bulk sell on 10 skeins of Be So Fine and Be So Sporty yarns. This was the first luxury yarns I tried and was able to follow your videos and charts to make my first clothing. I’ve watched since episode 1 and always look forward to seeing what’s next. I am so honored to have purchased 4 of your sample shawls. Brooklyn, Giada, Gracie, and the Nerina shawl. Just know that I will take good care of them. I thank you for all you share and just know you have all of our support.

  80. Gina S says:

    Congratulations on this epic episode! The Kleenex was not far away, I am so happy I heard everyone’s story, they are also inspiring, you bring in out in all of us. Watching your podcasts or creating your pattern(s), you are a part of my day everyday, and I thank you (which is not even a big enough word) for being you.

  81. Sheree says:

    Kristin you inspire me to go on in my life. Yes, I do believe God only gives us what we can handle. Congratulations to us all for 1000 episodes and there’s is no other place I would want to be, it’s more than a podcast, it’s a family. Love you Kristin, you’ve given me strength ♥️

  82. Linda Wise says:

    Congratulations on your 1000 episode. Your shows are wonderful, thoughtful & helpful. I have been following you for several years & i LOVE your patterns. I have no doubts that you will continue to be an inspiration to us all. Thank you for all you have done for so many.

  83. Paula Priscilla Veldhuis says:

    I so enjoy your upbeat look at life. I’m about the same age and a single mom to a 20 yo… and your enthusiasm about life and crafting is infectious. Thank you for the joy you have personally brought to me.

  84. Elizabeth says:

    Congratulations on your 1000th show! You deserve so much favor, goodness, and love in life for all you do for others, thank you so much for sharing your life with us and celebrating each day with enthusiasm, hope, and love. You’re a national treasure, a unique masterpiece, and a true blessing to this world! Here’s to another 10,000 more episodes of unique and designer creations!

  85. Anne J says:

    Congratulations, this is such a great achievement! I hope you’ll find great things behind the next bend in the road. Looking forward to the next 1000 episodes! Thank you for all the inspiration!

  86. Stephanie Bowman says:

    Congratulations on 1000! You are such an inspiration. I was drawn to your patterns because they are so elegant and got hooked on your YouTube video. I actually have been able to join live a time or two. You are part of my daily routine through the week. Thank you for all you do. Best wishes to you on future endeavors…your crochet/knitting family will still be here. Love, prayers and blessings!!

  87. aisha martowidjojo says:

    Congratulations on your 1000th episode, Kristin! Here’s to the next 1000! Keep up the creativity and caring!

    • Angelia says:

      Today’s podcast was so special………Congratulations, and thank you for sharing your special comments with us all. You are an encouragement to so many and I find myself trying to look on the bright side more often because of it. I love your inspirational color sense and designs so much:)

    • Carol L Fuechsel says:

      Congratulations on the 1000th episode You are very inspiring and a hard worker! Here’s to 1000s more! Stay inspired and blessed ❤

  88. Miriam Ortiz says:

    Kristin, Congratulations! What a great show today. It was wonderful to hear all the beautiful things that people were saying about you. I wish you nothing but happiness, love and continuing success. Thank you for being you.

  89. Heather Prendergast says:

    You’ve done amazingly with your brand across the board from YouTube to yarn to merchandise. Your an amazing woman that any woman would be proud to look up to

  90. Angela says:

    The 1000th vlog celebration was a beautiful tribute to a an extraordinary human being . Thank you for inspiring us everyday in every way Kristin. ❤️

  91. JP says:

    Your 1000th vlog celebration was a beautiful tribute to a wonderful human being. Thank you for inspiring us everyday in every way Kristin ❤️

  92. Nikki G House says:

    Dear Kristin,
    Congratulations on the thousandth episode.
    Not a single show was boring in any way. I admire your energy, your generosity and your positive nature.
    You even made me knit a shawl once, even though I don’t have a knack for it. I had to frog it completely several times because I had mistakes in it, but I even finished two shawls. Thank you for your inspiration, generosity and sharing your knitting and crocheting knowledge with us. I wish you and Marlon always find open doors and hearts. Kind regards from the other side of the Atlantic

  93. cyntheay says:

    It was a terrific episode. Congratulations! I think you were able to feel the respect and love this community has for you. And that dress is gorgeous!

  94. I just reread the comment I wrote a few days ago for your thousand episode. I made a few word errors I hope it still made sense to you. Anyway I have enjoyed looking back at some of the episodes in the past and hearing the wonderful comments peo says:

    I just reread the comment I wrote a few days ago for your thousand episode. I made a few word errors I hope it still made sense to you. Anyway I have enjoyed looking back at some of the episodes in the past and hearing the wonderful comments people made.

  95. Ginny says:

    Congratulations on your 1000 episode! That is quite a milestone. I’ve followed you for a long time, not always commenting. You have helped get through one of the most turbulent times our world is going through. And through it all, it was always a comfort to watch you, see the beautiful beaches, bring us into your home to meet you handsome son and playful kitties. I admire you for your strength, keeping your humor and smile, and admitting life’s issues. And for your help to domestic violence victims and your charity. Not to mention all your gorgeous patterns. Thank you so much for all you do.

  96. Cindy says:

    Congratulations on your 1000th episode. Thank you for all of your crochet knowledge and gorgeous patterns that continue to inspire me.

  97. susan says:

    Congradulations for 1000 episode. I Love your show and was introduced to your yarn and patterns from Lisa Gattis. She does an amazing job and finishes so many projects! I love seeing her tops! So glad she shared your yarns with me and have enjoyed watching you and listening to the waves! I used to journal in College and you brought that joy back to me! I try to watch your show a few days a week and catch up on the weekends! Thanks for teaching us to knit and crochet. It was so hard to read patterns until I started watching your show. Thanks so much and keep the shows coming!

  98. Marilyn Rohl says:

    Congratulations on 1000 shows! I remember finding the show in the early days of Yarn on the Beach and realizing I already had a couple of your books! Thank you for the skill of connected motifs. I use your patterns for connected crochet often!

  99. Bev Shriver Marks says:

    Congratulation Kristin on this 1000 episode & cheers to the next 1000 episodes.I absolutelyall your videos you have helped me so much.I all your patterns,yarn & those project bags are over the my fingers will be crossed for this giveaway thank you for the chance ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  100. Lucy Alexander says:

    Hi Kristin!! I missed the live, however, what a great show for your 1000th episode!! Congratulations to you and everyone!! Thank you!!

  101. Naomi says:

    Happy 1000th Episode, Kristin!!! I am So excited for you! What a phenomenal accomplishment! Thank you so much for always being there for us all. I finished watching today’s episode and am so touched by the outpouring of love. You most truly deserve it! I wish you many many many more years of brilliant success! You are the best! God bless you always, dear one! ❤️

  102. lisaru1z says:

    Congratulations Kristin!! What a great accomplishment to reach your 1000 episode!! I love love love your show because I love both your yarns and going to the beach mostly every day with you.. AND YES!! It’s true!! We are more alike than we are different!! I have to share that I too am too sheap to buy Kleenex.. I too use toilet paper, paper napkins or towels to wipe my nose.. I love YOU!! You have also helped me with my depression when I lost my father.. blessings to you always

  103. Donna Sako says:

    WOW “1000” EPISODES!!! That’s a very big deal with a lot of Dedication, Time and Effort on your behalf. Congrats and Thank You! I so look forward to the next 1000 episodes of Beautiful Ocean Scenes, Lovely Patterns, and the way you CREATE SHARE & INSPIRE!

  104. Patricia Bricker says:

    Congratulations on Episode 1,000! You are such an inspiration and I feel fortunate to have found your website and YouTube channel. Looking forward to another thousand, cheers and thank you!

  105. ShellBell7 says:

    Kristin, I am so proud of you for persevering and making it to 1000 episodes! While I will be sorry to see your yarns go, always remember there is a reason for everything and where a door closes God will open a window!

  106. waterdoctr says:

    (Judy K). Congratulations on 1000! You are an awesome person who does so much and means so much to so many people, myself included! Thank you from the bottom of my heart ❤️. I will be here for the next 1000 and beyond.

  107. Laurel says:

    Congratulations on 1000 episodes! Loved hearing all the testimonies yesterday, many of them are exactly how I feel. You have helped me excel in my crochet beyond my dreams❤️

  108. Nancy Marchefka says:

    Hi Kristin thank you for sharing all the stories and comments on your 1000 show. I was happy to hear the comments they said what I always feel in my heat about you I am not a great writer but wow the comments were wonderful. Have a wonderful day❤️❤️

  109. Colleen Rasmussen says:

    I admit i haven’t watched all your shows. Time does not permit. But i didnt want to miss your special 1000th episode. It was so very inspiring to watch and hear all the stories of people you have helped to lift out of very challenging situations and disappointments. Hopefully we can all lift you during the challenges that you face now. That is really the main message i have gotten from watching your show – that we lift and help each other.

  110. Gabriella Laki says:

    Congratulations Kristin on your 1000th Episode!
    I was with you while you were alive but I was to shy to “chat”. I loved every moment of your Show! Hearing the beautiful comments listening you , was special! After the show-I went through the comments one more time. –I felt bad, that mine came out too short!– You deserve all the nice words and all the appreciations from the commenters. Thank you for everything ! I will be your dedicated follower during and after this hard time in your live. Love and hugs to you and All the nice people around you! Best of luck, Gabriella

  111. Melanie Roberts says:

    Great episode, I really enjoyed it. Congratulations Kristin and thank you for the free patten code and the opportunity to enter another givaway to win some of your beautiful yarns and bags. You are an amazing creative genius.

  112. verasiam10 says:

    You are so dedicated , honest and real. I truly admire you I will miss your yarn but will definitely continue to support you. Nobody else has such great patterns with charts for 1.99.
    Thank you so much for all that you do. Vera

  113. Constance Woolson says:

    What a great 2 hr. show. So many uplifting comments, Kristin. I hope it helped a little bit knowing you have inspired so many people! The best to you in getting your life back to some sort of normalcy! Thank you for being there & all you do for others Domestic Abuse! Connie

  114. Carri Benson says:

    So happy for you Kristin! I found you years ago when I wanted to crochet jewelry with beads. I’ve been following you ever since. I love your crochet style! Congratulations on your 1000th episode and I do hope there are many more to come! ✌️❣️

  115. Lisa+Gattis says:

    Wow! So exciting to know that I got to be a part in the 1000 episode of the Kristin Omdahl show! I loved everyone’s comments! ❤️

  116. imata7394 says:

    Lifting a glass of wine to you and all your success. What I love about you and your teaching is it’s very easy to follow. I love that with each pattern you follow it with a video. Your patterns are amazing. Here’s to another blessed 1000 plus episodes. God is working amazing things in you. You are a warmth of sunshine even in the midst of a storm. Thanks you so much Kristin not only being you, but also being an example to all of us. May God continue blessing you for many years to come. Love you

  117. macarndt says:

    Hi Kristin. 1000, now 1001 shows! What an achievement! I’ve been watching since Yarn on the Beach. You’ve given me a steady dose of two things I love, crochet and the beach. Thanks for all your efforts! You are extremely creative and talented. Can’t wait to see what’s coming.

  118. Lily Mars says:

    Congratulations, Kristin! You’ve created a show that’s fun to watch and informative as well. Thank you for all your creativity and hard work and sense of fun. Here’s to your next chapter!

  119. Johanna says:

    I’ve never gotten to see more than 5 minutes of your “lives” because I’m always busy with something. When I got your email regarding the 1,000th episode, I was genuinely happy for you especially because of all of the challenges that you’ve had to face and prevailed! I also knew that I couldn’t watch it live because I was going to be a hot mess. I watched the recording this morning while working on a crochet project and I was an emotional basket case from the moment the show started. All that to simply say, congrats! You have overcome. May God continue to bless you with the wonderful gift that he has given you. Not just the crochet, but the compassion and willingness to put yourself out there to help others. Your efforts are appreciated by many including myself. Again, congrats and to many more wonderful episodes. ♥️

  120. Bobbi says:

    I love your show and I am happy for you and proud of you for surpassing your goal. Thank you for being so genuine, the world needs more people like you in it. Thank you for sharing your gifts with us. Follow your heart and may the next step of your journey bring many great things your way!

  121. Brigitte Tanner says:

    ❤Congratulations on 1000 Looking forward to the next 1000 and all the fun crochet and knitting projects. Can’t wait to start making those little hearts as soon as my order arrives. Stay Strong ✨️ I’m praying you’ll find the Perfect new place to move and good things come your way…

  122. Wendy W says:

    Hi Kristin. I watched your entire live and was so happy for you by the outpouring of support. You are an amazing woman and I so admire your ability to inspire so many and continually produce and give of yourself. You work endlessly and tirelessly and I can only contribute that to, is you must have such passion for all things that drive you. You must get tired of hearing “You’ve got this,” You are a survivor” when maybe you need to crash for a bit, let some things go . For sure there is no shame in not being super, amazing Wonder woman!! I’m wondering what you might think is the message for all that is happening to you. Take care. Be good to you!!! With grace , no doubt you will reach your next milestone.

  123. Virginia Bronner says:

    Are your feet cold? You look so bundled up and then to see nothing on your feet made me cold. Just trying to make you laugh. You are an inspiration to a lot of people. Keep doing what you are doing. I look forward to receiving your emails. Thank you

  124. Cynthia says:

    Hi Kristin, your warm, transparent personality attracted me from the very first time I stumbled onto your YouTube channel. I thought, who is this person who brought all her dresses out of her closet and is showing how to wear beautiful crochet and knit garments over them?
    The second time I tuned in you were on the beach knitting. I was hopelessly hooked.
    You are a very bright, beautiful person. Please hang in there. I am so sorry about your little fur baby. When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
    Warmest regards, Cynthia ❤️

  125. Gabbi M. says:

    Congratulations on the 1000th episode of your show, Kristin. This must be one of the highlights of your extremely difficult week. However, it is only a stepping stone to your much brighter future. Your soul energy is so powerful and you help so many people. You just need a bit of transformation (really? a bit; this week has been way more than a bit – but you are strong and you can handle it) and you’ll be on your way. Looking forward to seeing your continuing, brighter shining star! With light and love. Gabbi

  126. Melinnee Mastel says:

    Hi Kristin! I’m sorry I missed the show since I was on a travel to Arizona. So now I’m back and ready to go. I’ll be watching 1000-1007 to catch up. Congratulations on 1000th episode! I’m happy as can be that I have watch almost all of your podcasts. I have enjoyed every one of them, laughing, crying, and what joy it is bring to me! So proud of you! Love everything you do! Congrats again! Thank you for being here!

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