Tender Celeste Crochet Shawl with Boho Fringe FREE Pattern

Tender Celeste Crochet Shawl with Boho Fringe FREE Pattern
by Kristin Omdahl

This is a super simple and easy to memorize top down crochet shawl. It works up quickly with worsted weight yarn and a J/10 (6mm) crochet hook. Makes a great last minute gift, too! The twisted fringe adds a boho touch to this gorgeous, organic cotton shawl.

Download ad-free PDF pattern with charts HERE

Make sure you check out any of the 3 tutorial videos made for this shawl: regular speed for right handed or left handed crocheters, and slower speed for beginners.

What you will need:

  • 420 yds (384m) #4 dk weight yarn
  • J/10 (6mm) crochet hook
  • Fringe twister (optional) I found mine HERE
  • Stitch marker (optional)
  • Yarn needle
  • Scissors

Finished Size:

58 in (147.3cm) wide x 29 in (73.7cm) long, not including the 5 in (12.7cm) fringe


Gauge is not critical for this project however I achieved gauge of 12 sts / 4 rows = 4 in (10cm) in established pattern after blocking.

Here are some suggested size recommendations for top down triangular shawls:

Suggested Shawl sizes:

Kerchief: 36 in (91cm) wide x 18 in (46cm) long

Shawlette: 24 in (61cm) – 30 in (76cm) wide x 48 in (122cm) to 60 in (152cm) wide

Full sized shawl: 36 in (91cm) – 40 in (102cm) long x 72 in (183cm) to 80 in (203cm) wide

In the video tutorial, I used Vanna’s Choice by Lion Brand Yarn in color dusty blue.

Use the yarn estimate guide on page 3 to determine the amount of yarn you will need to make this shawl  in a similar size with various weights of yarn.

Stitch Guide: 

Chain (ch), and double crochet (dc).

Pattern notes: 

  • Weave in loose ends as work progresses
  • Turn work at the end of each row.
  • Have fun! Remember the point of being creative is to enjoy it!

Watch tutorial video here: 


Row 1 (RS): Ch4 (counts as beg ch and dc), work 8 dc in 4th ch from hook, turn.

Row 2: Ch7 (counts as dc, ch4), dc in first st, ch4, sk 2 sts, dc in sp before next st, ch4, sk 3 sts, dc in sp before next st, ch4, sk 2 sts, (dc, ch4, dc) in sp before last st. — 5 ch-4 sps

Row 3: Ch3 (counts as dc), [work 3dc in next ch-4 sp] 2 times, 9dc in next ch4 sp, place marker (pm) into center dc to mark center of shawl, [3dc in next ch-4 sp] 2 times, dc in last st.

Row 4 (WS): Ch7 (counts as dc, ch4) dc in in sp between first 2 sts, *sk 3 sts, dc in sp before next st, ch4; rep from * to last 4 dc, replacing the center marker into the center ch-4 sp, sk 3 sts, (dc, ch4, dc) in sp before last st. — 9 ch-4 sps

Row 5 (RS): Ch3 (counts as dc), work 3dc in ea ch-4 sp to marked center ch-4 sp, 9dc in center ch-4 sp, 3dc in ea ch-4 sp to end, dc in 3rd ch of beg ch-7.

Rows 6 – 25: rep rows 4 and 5 ten more times. Fasten off.

Fringe: cut (51 x 4 = 204) pieces of yarn 18″ long. Using 4 strands at a time, evenly attach fringe to long V edge of shawl with a slip knot. You should have approx 51 fringes across row 25 (or the lower V edge of shawl).

With fringe twister, attach four strands of each fringe in each of 2 clamps. Twist 20 times. Remove fringe without letting the twist go, and tie all 48strands of the fringe together in a knot, leaving as little of yarn left over as possible (approx 1/2″). The two sets of twists will twist on each other again for a doubled twist (like a rope). Repeat for each 4-strand fringe. With sharp scissors trim the edges of each fringe. Add a few drops of fray check for the raw edges.

Kristin Omdahl patterns are for your personal use only and not to be used to create items for commercial gain. All Kristin Omdahl patterns are licensed for single use and remain the intellectual property of Kristin Omdahl. This pattern may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise.
©Copyright 2017, All Rights Reserved

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4 thoughts on “Tender Celeste Crochet Shawl with Boho Fringe FREE Pattern

  1. Linda says:

    Just finished working on the body of the Celeste crocheted shawl. Very nice and easy pattern and your video helped me so much. I knit more than I crochet so I was able to work along with your video. You’re an excellent instructor! A big thank you for mentioning the fringe twister. Did not know an item like that even existed. I just received my fringe twister in the mail so I will now be able to complete my shawl. Yay!!
    LindaDee from Illinois

  2. Gisele says:

    I love this pattern! I made it with a purple/lavender ombre yarn with fabulous results. Even though I didn’t get a chance to block it(we were on a road trip) the recipient claimed she hardly gets a chance to use it because her daughter borrows it. That’s the best compliment of all!
    Thanks Kristin,

  3. Sanet says:

    I have just completed the Celest shawl and being very new to crochet (its only my second attempt at crochet) I must say that your video tutorial really helped and I am well pleased with the result!! Thank you! Sanet Labuschagne, Johannesburg, South Africa.

  4. Pingback: Lotte's Celeste Crochet Shawl Project | Kristin Omdahl

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