How I Made DIY Wall Art with Yarn, Nails and Wood By Kristin Omdahl

How I Made DIY Wall Art with Yarn, Nails and Wood By Kristin Omdahl

I really don’t like to waste anything. I disassemble my Costo bulk shopping into meal sized containers before freezing the minute I walk into the door. I get every single drop out of food cans, shampoo bottles, cleaners, you name it! I guess it’s just in my nature.

Remember when I made a TV Stand from Crates last week? Well, having one left over crate was driving me nuts! It was already stained and polyurethaned, and each time I walked by it, I felt twinges of anxiety in my chest because it was being wasted. I had no good reason for one crate, but hoped an idea would hit me quickly.

One day, I was perusing Pinterest and came across a really pretty string wall art installation using a wood board, nails and string. While I loved the concept, I wasn’t thrilled about the feather. As I continued to think of ways to use the string art concept with a motif I DID love, it occurred to me I could take my Grandpa’s hammer and a flat head screwdriver to pry the crate boards apart, reassemble them flat with one piece against the grain on the back, and I’d have the flat board surface for this.

Now the pressure was on! I was chomping at the bit to design a motif for the nails. In the meantime, I decided to make a second board using cedar shingles I had on hand from another project in the works. So I took 3 of the most distressed looking shingles, lined them up, and nailed them to a 1″x2″ board on the back side, against the grain. This would work for hanging it eventually too!

The best advice I give myself when I am stuck creatively is to WALK AWAY. Never force it. So I decided to be content with progress as now I had two wooden canvases ready to go once the creative bug returned.

Then it hit me! What about a floral burst? I decided to start with an 8-point flower. It took a couple of tries to get the nails lined up just right. The first attempt looked more like a spider web than a flower burst. So I had to pull out a few nails and adjust a few more. And Voila! I love it now. I used 1″ nails and Be So Sporty Yarn in color Passionate Plum. For the second one, I decided to start with a circle, and add a second layer of design to look like a fan overlaid. For this one I used 1″ nails and Be So Fine Yarn in Lavender’s First Romance.

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