Thank you and a Quick Update

Hi everyone! Thank you so very much for all of your support and concern the last couple of weeks. As you may already know, I had emergency surgery on New Year’s Eve and have been at home recovering with many restrictions since.

Thanks to my amazing team of friends and family, my business has not been affected by this. My restrictions have been very limiting yet thanks to Judi Weingarden, my good friend and Director of Customer Relations, Marlon Omdahl, my son and right-hand-man, and my mom, customer service, shipping, and new product releases have been practically seamless!

Shipping And Product Updates:

As many of you can attest, shipping has not skipped a beat and all orders are up-to-date. Marlon and my mom have been delivering your packages to the post office daily. I have been able to create new, beautiful hand dyed colors of many yarns with all of the heavy lifting done by Marlon. And all phone inquiries and emails have been promptly answered by Judi.

“52 Crochet Gifts Book” is up-to-date and running smoothly as well. Week 11 of the pre-order ebook was released on time this week and you can learn all about it and the new patterns HERE.

29 of the 52 patterns have been released so far, and each pattern is also available as a single PDF pattern download as well, should you prefer to order a la carte.

Many of the released patterns also have video tutorials, and I will be continuing to release video tutorials for all the patterns when I get back Into the studio. You can see the existing videos in this 52 Crochet Gifts Book Video Playlist HERE:

Video and Podcast Update:

Unfortunately, all on-camera duties are solely my responsibility and therefore lacking. I have yet to have the strength or energy to be back to the studio making video tutorials, or on location making podcasts at the beach. But the good new is, thanks to the support of my family, friends and all of you, I am getting better day by day and am happy to announce that I have the next podcast scheduled for Friday, January 17, 2020 at 9:00am. You can expect to see new videos tutorials shortly after that! In the meantime, please continue to create, share and inspire today and every day.

xoxo, Kristin

Shop Kristin Omdahl Yarns HERE

Shop Kristin Omdahl Crochet Patterns HERE

Shop Kristin Omdahl Knitting Patterns HERE

I would love to see your creations. Just as much fun as making these myself is the satisfaction I get from seeing my designs come to life and other crochet fans wearing them too. There are now 2 ways you can share what you have done!

  • Share yours by joining  Create. Share. Inspire on Facebook where you can interact with me as well as many other members who have a love of knitting and crochet just like you! It is a wonderful and safe place to share your photos of finished projects in my knitting or crochet patterns or yarns, and to see what others are making, too.
  • I have recently added a wonderful new interactive section to the website which I invite you to take part in, it has been a smashing success and such fun so far. It is the new “Share Your Project” section. You, my creators, can upload images and descriptions of your creations to share with the ever growing community! To upload simply click here. 

Additionally, I host a livestreaming podcast weekday on my YouTube Channel called Create Share Inspire Podcast. You can join the audience and even ask me questions LIVE! I often do a show and tell, or quick demo and I always interact with the live audience. It is a lot of fun!

You can browse through close to 1000 previously recorded episodes HERECreate Share Inspire Podcast Playlist . Make sure to subscribe to my YouTube Channel to get reminders when the next episode airs LIVE.

I look forward to seeing what you create!

Kristin donates a portion of every sale to her charity Project Kristin Cares, which supports survivors of domestic violence. Learn more at 


9 thoughts on “Thank you and a Quick Update

  1. Barbara says:

    Was good that you had help from Judi and Marlon. Was nice to see your mom was there for you, too – yay for moms! Hoping for continued improvement and that you feel better soon!

  2. Debi Robinson says:

    Wishing you a full recovery. Take good care of you cuz good health is everything and everything else can wait. Yay!!! For your awesome support team stepping in and keeping your business running smoothly. Now that is love and you are so deserving of it!
    Your fans and followers are not going anywhere and will welcome you back once you are able.
    Good health, love and strength, Debi Robinson aka debidewdrop61

  3. SherryMaryKay says:

    So happy to hear from you! Glad all is going well! What a wonderful team you have blessing you! That precious picture of the little bird in the flowers is GORGEOUS, btw! Well wishes being sent your way. And (((hugs)))!

  4. Cynthia Mason says:

    i’ve been missing you. I watch your broadcasts while I’m at work. Glad to hear that you are recovering and that you’ll be back soon. Thanks for all you do. You are amazing and inspiring.

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