Welcome to the Kristin Omdahl KO Community Forums!

Welcome to the Kristin Omdahl KO Community Forums!

I am thrilled to announce that the Kristin Omdahl website now has KO Community Forums! This feature was one of the driving forces behind creating a new website earlier this year. It is important to me that the KO Community has a safe and private place to socialize and interact together, creating, sharing and inspiring each other. Not everyone participates in social media, or on multiple platforms, so for any one thing I share on either Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Pinterest or Ravelry, the information is not available to all of KO friends and community.

Here on my website, the KO Community Forums are PRIVATE. You must be logged in to not only post, but also to read any topics. This is also very important to me because I want this to be a safe and friendly place to share and chat with each other.

If you already have an account here on the Kristin Omdahl website, you simply need to be logged into your account to enjoy the new forums. We also now have a private messaging service, so that you can safely and securely chat with your KO Friends.

Privacy – perhaps one of the most significant reasons to host our KO Community discussions right here. You have complete control of your privacy, and no one else has access to your data.

By default, when you join the KO Community, your privacy settings are set up so that only logged in members can even see your username (screen name).  That is the ONLY profile information anyone can access, unless or until you choose to change that.  You can even turn that feature off, so that you are 100% invisible.

Let’s go through these features step by step:

Of course, you must be logged into your account to access these features. After you login, choose the “Edit Profile” tab, located just below your username. From there, choose Settings, and then Profile Privacy.

Once you click on Profile Privacy, you will have a number of choices.

  • Do you wish to be listed in the member (KO Community Friends) directory? Remember this is just a listing of your screen name.
  • Do you want your screen name to be searchable?
  • Do you want to hide your last active time?
  • Do you want to change who can see your profile? By default this is set to logged in members only (and remember, this is screen name only).  If you prefer to make it completely private, so no one can see you, set it to “only me”.

If you have not yet joined (registered for an account) now is the time! As soon as you do, you will be able access to the KO community forums PLUS enjoy all the other benefits including our reward points program, 24/7 access to your own download library with unlimited downloads, bulk discounts, and much more.

We have entire FAQ (frequently asked questions) Forum set up, so that you can read about Forum Basic How-To’s, Messaging, Screen Names, and More. Visit KO Community Forums FAQ’s and learn how to enjoy our new forums.

As an incentive to give it a try, please introduce yourself here and you will receive a special coupon code as a thank you for trying out the forums!

As always, please let me know if you have any questions.

Let us make time to create, share and inspire today and every day!

xoxo, Kristin

10 thoughts on “Welcome to the Kristin Omdahl KO Community Forums!

  1. Donna says:

    You Kristin has been an I spiraling to me for years. Between God and you Kristin has made me a better person on not holding grudges. And learning that other people’s negative opinion is none of my business. Thank you, my friend Kristin omdahl. Love you.

  2. Fran says:

    Working Becca shawl. Gauge on pattern says 14 sts/4 inches. With a sport yarn#2, needle US 8, gauge is way off, more like 26sts/4 inches. What do I do?

  3. susan says:

    Hello, Kristin
    I am a KY Girl, avid knitter, crocheter and have been for years. I work for my father in a Manufactured Home sale location for the last 40 Yrs. I enjoy watching your video’s on utube, reading your books, actually carry them in my bog bag along with my projects just in case I’m slow! I was introduced to you buy Lisa Gattis, years ago. She was wearing a top with your yarn, and I fell in love.
    You name is a household name in my house. My granddaughters always come in and say is Kristin on now! Not that they crochet or knit, but they want to watch their movies on my TV! Have a blessed day and thanks for inviting me on to share myself!

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